The Peter Patter ..... Of a Tiny Mind ......


it's peter patter peter patter and the random scatter of a tiny mind while i gear up to head out of town for a week of back country off-road bicycling in the oregon wilderness .... timing is everything, you know; i'm heading off to ride off-road when i've just taken delivery of a custom-built road bike: steel frame, carbon stays, front fork, seat post, handlebars and stem; paul taylor ( tells me it'll ride plush and decrease the impact on arthritic and artificial shoulders (dr. pete rides serotta and taylor on the road, santa cruz off-road) .......

speaking of money well spent, i see that the u.s. is going to pony up lots of money to fight opium production in afghanistan because it funds the taliban, the same opium production that we ramped up with USAID money in the late 80s to grow the opium/that would bring in the bucks/that would fund the taliban/that we created/to fight the russians/to bring freedom to afganimerastan/so they could topple the buddhas/because we're christians/that swallowed the spider/to catch the fly/i wonder why/i wonder why ....

another article tells me that bored or frightened soldiers (are there other kinds?) in afghanistan find it rilly easy to cop skag ..... who'da thunk it?!?!?!?!?!?!? shades of vietnam and the iron triangle! and the cia's air america!

you think they'd just say no, wouldn't you?

this was just after we were told that 190,000 ak-47's had gone astray in eeee-rock, well ... the pentagon was sayin' how them iranis was givin' the eeee-rockees some new kinda bomb that had killt a sodjer or two an' i thought, that's just a fucking drop in the piss bucket to what 190,000 ak's'd do, let alone the 360 tons of high explosives that somehow we couldn't guard because it wasn't related to oil which we protected diligently although antiquities didn't count for shit and neither did universities and all those tons of h.e. went missin' and i'm thinkin' that if we were really gonna go after those durty raskels that wuz risponsibul fer killin' our troops 'n' i allus wanna support the troops then we'd bomb the pentagon and the white house and the army beecoz thare the wunz that rilly supplied the turrsts with the stuff that's killin' our boyz we shud declar war on the pentagon and the kongrass and ......

i see the bush don't wanna raise gasoleen takses to pay for bridge repair 'n' it's the dummerkatz fawlt because they don't have "priorities" which i'm thinkin' is givn mor taks brakes to oil kumpanies 'n' i think gawd should repare the bridges 'coz god he sees every drop of rane and every sparrow that falls so fix the fuckin' bridges you lazy shit .....

and then of corse there's the mine in utah that collapsed after all the structural warnings but it wasn't structurally defishent it was god again, this time that bipolar asswipe sent an irthkwake to rattle the mine down but i no there'll be a meerakul 'n' even tho they've been down thare for ten dayz without food or water they'll come up singin' goawd's prazes when the reskew workers finally poke throo the wall prayze jeeezuz why all those mine kave ins in west virjinya that was godz doings not greedy cocksucking corporations who couldn't spare a dime for fucking mine safety and i'm glad bush is going to give more taks cuts to korporations because they need them especially .....

shit, you know all that ......

well, this's just random chatter; i'm gearing up for a week of off-road bike riding along oregon's umpqua river and don't want to spoil the anticipation by reality-based thought .... so i'm not even thinking about mitt romney's five sons rolling around iowa in the mitt-mobile, extolling the virtues of killing dune coons, while sucking up the benzina your tax dollars are paying for .... oh, you're getting taxed, all right, because .... ha ha .....

you're not a corporation!

and i'm not going to think about that nosferatu look-alike jewelly annie saying shit like, well, we can decrease abortion by adopting more ....

hey smegma breath ..... against abortion? good ..... don't fucking have one ..... your kids wish you'd put them up for adoption .....

and then there's the knee jerk crimes that just ran a puff piece on .... christ, i can't even bring myself to say this: how distressed king george the first is at how king george the second is being misunderestimerated and .....

excuse me i must #@Q#$^#^% BLLLEEAUUUGHHHHH HURFA HURFA HURFA HURFA HURFA HURFA ..... dribble dribble dribble ....... splat! .........

i'd rather read about fucking brad 'n' jen 'n' tom 'n' mopsy 'n' flopsy 'n' cottontail and the whole fucking bunny family ..... hippity hop, hippity hop, hippity hop .....

supermarket tabloids and the secret fucking anguish of the network stars my #@Q#$^#^% BLLLEEAUUUGHHHHH HURFA HURFA HURFA HURFA HURFA HURFA ..... dribble dribble dribble ....... plink .........

oh, it's time for me to get outta here ..... i'm going to go ride my bike ..... i'll be back in ten days .... listen up: buy my music! topple a brutal repressive theocratic hegemony that seeks to stifle informed dissent by a corporate controlled "media" that disseminates mis- and dis-information to a placid and bovine populace ......

and JERI LYNN! ARE YOU OUT THERE? AVA .... CAN YOU HEAR ME? hotmail disappeared your letter before i could save your address or reply .... WRITE me .....
drop me a postcard!
send me a line!
pictures of pastures!
and people bo-vine!

next: dr. pete plays his guitar

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Scarlet says:

Hey....let's not forget the Mainland Chinese are loaning (with interst due) the U.S. cash to fund the war!!!!!

Shall I start getting used to using Chopsticks now or when the U.S. defaults on the loans?????

Submitted by Scarlet on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:32
Steve shaw says:

190,000 Ak 47s would truly be something worth trying to lose, but I guess our cowboy prez and his crew had lil problem doing so. My best guess on how much mass that many Ak's would be would be approx 8 to 12 truck trailers full, I am sure that someone out there could do the sizable math equation to figure it all out....needless to say....a whole shitpot load O' guns....guess who has em now....BAD folks....geez. I am sure glad that our cowboy has taken all the danger out of living in IRAQ for the population.....

Submitted by Steve shaw on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:34
Ess Kargo says:

How right you are Dr. Wombat! Watch the country crumble around us as our taxes fund the war. 3 dead in an Indiana mine this morning. They say they currently don't know what the cause of the accident was, but I can only guess. How the fuck do you loose 190,000 AK-47's!?! Only the US government can pull that off. Appalling! Support the troops, bomb the capitol!

Have a great trip! Get on that bike & riiiiddddddeeeee...........

Submitted by Ess Kargo on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:34

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