The Great Pretender

this is, i think, from a recent maureen dowd column in the new york times:

Fake fur and real fur and jewelry and Jet Skis,
Crystal and Segways and bubbly and Caddies,
Race cars and leather and plasma TVs
These are a few of Kim's favorite things.

and these are just some of the things that our little bush, because he wants to "irritate" kim jung il, is now going to deny the north koreans ....

oh, this'll hurt 'em big time .... fuck, they haven't eaten for five years, but they sure love their jet skis ...... and i can hear the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth when kim realizes his cadre won't be able to get i-pods .....

honest to god, i keep seeing a petulant, spoiled, whining brat in the white house .... i didn't need any confirmation, but here it is anyway.... his move at diplomacy is to take away kim's toys ..... bush's idea of "diplomacy" is to be an irritant .....

is this why we've got john bolton as ambassador to the united nations?

iraq, which didn't have functional weapons for years, let alone functional nukes, gets invaded and trashed ..... kim, after testing some tactical nukes, gets his mink coat taken away ......

you go, george; you go ...... if being an irritant's your goal, this may be the only thing you've succeeded at in your entire spoiled, coddled, protected little life .....

speaking of petulant little bitches, i had a good time listening to right wing fuckjobs on "liberal" media the other day ..... yes, national pimp radio fielded more shrieking little whores, who--like me--are never at a loss for something to complain about ..... one fecal smear was outraged at how jim webb of virginia had "snubbed the president!" ooooooo ..... he snubbed the president! he snubbed the president! .....

i've read two accounts of this ..... webb, a combat veteran, has a son serving as a lance corporal with the marines, in iraq ..... bush asked webb how his son was doing ..... one reported response was, "i'd like my son to come home," to which george reportedly replied, huffily, "that's not what i asked you ......"

you'd think george'd accept circumlocuitous responses to his questions ..... it's not that he can pronounce a word like that, but that he only responds to the questions he's asked with pre-determined talking points ....

the other reported answer was, "that's between my son and me ....."

well ..... george unnerstan's what it's lahk to have a chahld in a danjeruss plays ..... one of the twinz got her purse snatched in buenos aires .....

i wish webb had said something like, well, mr. president, in the immortal words of vice-president dick cheney ...... go fuck yourself ......

that doesn't count as a snub, does it?

the next pundit was commenting on how, with rumsfeld out, all the chickenshit dung-eaters in the pentagon and points east, west, south, and north of there, were no longer toeing the party line .... why, some of them were .... gasp! begging to differ! scrambling to cover their asses! trying, in hindsight, to appear intelligent! and what it meant, according to this booger eating moron, was that reporters could no longer get their story by talking to just one person ....

gee, i'm playing my small violin through the tears right now .... imagine, fearless reporters actually having to do their fucking job and talk to people!

but it'll never happen, not in this country .......

the other story that i know you've been following is the war of the words, to wit: is there a civil war in iraq? .... so ..... let me ask all you history buffs a question: how many people were killed before the american civil war was called .... a civil war?

yes, that's right .... ab solutely none! the firing on fort sumter resulted in no deaths whatsoever, although one union artillerist died from an exploding powder keg while firing a salute during the subsequent evacuation .... but the conflict to come was immediately called .....

a civil war ......

and we're still pricking around with what's hapening in iraq?

pure victory, as far as the eye can see .....

our pretender-in-chief is always looking into people's eyes 'n' souls ..... with all the assholes he deals with you'd think he'd just snap on the rubber gloves, bend 'em over, 'n' look into their holes, but ...... that'd conjure up iraq's future, right there: yup .... looks pretty shitty to me ..... but then, i think that requires skills he just doesn't have .....

now our decider's looked in maliki's eyes again 'n found him to be of the right stuff, even though national security adviser stephen hadley's leaked memo described al-Maliki as "either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action ....."

you'd almost think he was talking about his boss, wouldn't you?

and the decider is still waiting for maliki's answer on what can be done to clean up all the broken china he left in the global china shop .....

some decider .....

do i need to tell you that if someone needs to tell you that he's "compassionate" he's not? that if he needs to tell you, over and over again, how he "understands," he doesn't? and if he has to tell you he's "a decider," he can't?

i didn't think so ......

next: dr. pete really wants to tell you about his new music .....

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Scarlet says:

The Great Pretender? Yes!
Then some lyrics ran through my mind ......"as heads is tail's just call him Lucifer! And he's in need of some restraint"

Submitted by Scarlet on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 14:18
Steven Schuster says:

Tears on my pillow, pain in my heart.

Submitted by Steven Schuster on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 14:18

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