Wak ..... Don't Run

okay, here we go:

wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ...... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ...... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ..... wakkity wakkity wakkity wak .....

and don't talk back .....

that's about all any intelligent person can say, one week into the new year ..... oh, you could say, jeeeziz h. fucking keeeerist ...... are we really this stupid? can americans be that placid, that stolid, that bovine? is there something in the drinking water that renders them fat and stupid? oh, i know that journalists, "reporters," and "the media" sold what little soul they collectively had to the corporate devils long ago, just like our elected officials sold their constituencies and the country out, lock, stock, and barrel, to jack abramoff ......

what's shocking is, how little they go for!

gosh, if one in five hundred americans are now millionaires, why .... i don't think there are enough congresspersons and senatepersons to go around, because these scumbags will lick shit off the sidewalk for a nickel ....

and for a dime?

the sky's the limit, the sky's the limit!

oh, i think we've been hip deep in the big muddy for much too long, but i think somehow we've misfollowed our fearless bleeders .... i mean, leaders ..... around a new bend, to reach a new low, to a place where it's darker 'n' deeper 'n' more snake infested 'n ever before ......

let's see ..... maybe i've "misread" the stats, but i think the meter's hit 2,198 [american soldiers] killed in iraq, underscoring a mission accomplished .... that doesn't count, of course, iraqis, because .... well, because .... they're just rugheads and they don't count .... and it doesn't factor in the american wounded, the maimed, the "enhanced," who've traded in flesh-and-blood limbs for bionic body parts, or others who simply cashed in their minds .....

good thing this culchur of life's made death illegal, or at least invisible, where the tradition of bringing flag-draped coffins back into this country, where they could be received and viewed and acknowledged with honor .... well ..... that's illegal, now .... simply because we have no honor whatsoever ......

let me tell you: being without honor or integrity sure does streamline the process, doesn't it?

and we're so streamlined right now, we've got a lower drag coefficient than an airstream trailer going over niagara falls .....

wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ..... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ..... wak ..... don't run ...... to the nearest exit ......

boy, our newshounds, they work overtime, don't they? i love the coverage of the west virginia mine disaster, which seems to have dropped off the radar screen pretty darn quick .... funny, how the first reports of what amounts to homicide mentioned the 294 citations issued by the mining safety and health administration .... with how many issued in december of 2005? and then, suddenly ..... oingo boingo! gone! all gone! no more mention made of donations made to the republican party by mine owners, or staffing protection agencies with owners and lobbyists and cronies and ......

excuse me, i need to ........ hhhuuuwwwwalllllppppaaaargggghhhhhhEEEEEEough ough ough ough ough ......

should there be this much blood in my vomit?

here's a quote from the intrepid journalists of time/warner/aol: "As state and federal investigators began a sweeping investigation of the accident, they have begun grappling with some of the most perplexing questions to have been raised about mine safety in memory.

What caused the explosion, which apparently occurred in a sealed, abandoned part of the mine? What led to the miscommunication that caused the miners' families to believe for three hours that the men had been rescued? Why was one miner, Randal McCloy Jr., able to survive?

And would a quicker response have saved the miners as they huddled behind their barricade, harboring their oxygen and scribbling notes to their families?"

when did news consist of asking readers questions? is this what constitutes "fair and balanced," hiding your agenda underneath rhetorical questions?\

it sure as shit works for me .....

but let me answer some of those questions: yes, i think a speedy response is always good, when there's a disaster ..... something like .... mmmm .... katrina! comes to mind, as we ponder governmental responses to the needs of its poorer citizens ..... as for "What led to the miscommunication that caused the miners' families to believe for three hours that the men had been rescued," wasn't that due to statements from the mine owner? it doesn't sound like a miscommunication to me, it's just good p.r. ...... that's like saying "mission accomplished," wouldn't you think? and there are concerns of brain damage in the survivor so, if he continues breathing, perhaps he'll join terri schiavo under bill frist's tender ministrations .....

i'm a simple man, more so because i talk to one-year-olds all day, but they still make more sense than the media, who should be asking this perplexing question: hey, guys .... why didn't the mining safety and health administration, staffed by mine owners and mine lobbyists, enforce the citations that they'd issued to this mine?

and why didn't santa claus bring me more champagne for christmas?

but wait! there's more!

god's a tricky little bitch, isn't she?

i think a case in point might be this mine disaster in west virginia .... i mean, if god forsooked sharon .... and if god won' he'p san francisco 'cause of all them gay folk? and if god's a-gonna turn away from anybody who rejects all that unconditional love, then .... why did god forsake west virginia? is it because they oppose same-sex marriage? is it because they vote republican? is it because so many of the abu ghraib scaepgoats came from the dark hills 'n' hollers? and why would you pray for help from a disaster to a god that caused the disaster in the first place? it's kind of like saying, oh, god .... now that you've fucked us in the ass, won't you wipe your nougat-smeared prod off on our chins? so we can have some of that good old unconditional love?

and how come pat robertson isn't identified as "a radical cleric?" shit, we do it for all the rugheads who run shrieking through the streets, stoning women, enforcing dress codes, and here's pat, the christian who subsidizes slave labor in the african diamond mines he owns, calling out fatwahs, just like the mullahs in iran ....

i was going to say that i used to work with psychotic neurologically impaired retarded fetal alcohol syndromed mutants who had ongoing conversations with a deity, and i'm not talkin' 'bout tourin' with hot tuna .... but ..... i really don't want to disparage or degrade them by mentioning them along with robertson ..... and speaking of not mentioning pat robertson, how can someone this cretinous and brain-damaged continue to get press coverage? wouldn't you think he'd go away if you ignored him?

oh, silly me ... i forgot .... this is america .......

and our media just can't let a cretinous retard in "high places" alone .....

no .... wait ..... i take that back ..... just think about the white house, and you'll know what i mean .....

those were rhetorical questions and, while i hate to make points at the expense of others' misfortunes, i'm--like our christians--going to go for the gusto ..... shit, it's easy, it's cheap ..... and beatin' up on the defenseless is fun ......

that was the basis for our iraq foreign policy ...... it just din't work out like it were planned .....

the real questions that need to be asked, and that aren't, are not what is now making the rounds, things like "ooooohhh, how could this ever have happened? .... arrrrrggggghhhhh ..... how could a sensitive, caring, compassioniate conservative mining company have miscommunicated eleven miners being dead, and not rectify that statement for three hours? ....... eeeeeeehhhh, let's have an investigation immediately ..... aaaaaahhhhhh ..... elaine chou, that unbiased quality appointee, you go girl!"

the real question is, how come the 248 violations that were issued to this mine, including some citations issued as recently as late december, 2005, weren't .... mmmmmm .... enforced?

that's almost like having the temerity to ask, hey, guys ..... if our security is so important, and we're so concerned about it to the point that our president needs to tap your fucking phone, what happened to all the suggestions of the homeland security commission, the one that just gave the bush administration, in a mirror reflection of little george's academic and business career, so many failing grades?

well ..... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak ....... wak wak wak wak wak wak wak .......

it was a warm and sunny spring-like day today, and i got out and biked new trails that opened up into west marin ..... nice, muddy, sloppy trails, with wonderful ridgeline views that stretched east, to mount diablo, and west, to tomales bay ....... i damn near lost my shoes as i portaged my bike through the shin-deep mud of a massive washout; funny, as i listened to the schlorping, sucking sound of my feet in the mud, i gave no thought whatsoever to the travesty that .....

wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak wak .....

and you know what i'm a-wakkin' about ......

p.s.: let us now praise famous men ...... i suggest you go this ruthgroup link and read of the passing of an honorable man:


next: dr. pete gets training wheels

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

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