Call Me When It's Over

the republicraps have theyse'ves a candidate, pretty much in the tradition of republicrap candidates for the last too many years .... we've heard a lot about how "experience" is going to be important for our president .... i'm not sure what's meant by this: experience kissing corporate ass? following orders from halliburton? experience sucking up to the pharmaceutical or insurance lobbies?

when we got "w" -- and now we know that "w" stands for "worst fucking republican tool ever in a long line of disastrous fucking assholes", boy, we sure tanked out on experience, and it shore has payd off, fer us 'n' thayum .... why, dubbel-ewe was experienced in bankrupting and crashing all his business ventures, and that's experience that's stood him in good stead as he's bankrupted the country .... as governor of texas he got experience sending more people to the chair than anyone before him and you know texas ain't no shrinkin' violet when it comes to killing uneducated psychotic people of a darker complexion .... and boy oh boy, have we ever got our money's worth on that one!

but the republicraps have a role model of a higher ordure ....i mean, order ..... and that's when they run a seventy-year-old cretinous howdy doody lookalike who made alzheimer's a virtue and now they've gone and got theyse'ves another septuagenarian who's now saying that whoever gets into that oval office is going to have to figure out how to get out of eye-rak even though last week he was saying he din't care if we were there for ten years no make that one hundred years shit he wouldn't be alive to see it so why should he give a fuck?

fortunately we're building a fence to keep the nannies and gardeners from driving old pickup trucks with lawnmowers and leaf blowers into federal office buildings .... or, at the very least, stuffing old diapers into the air vents of the department of justice ....

honest to god, folks .... i just can't write this crap any more .... i really can't .... i can't make it up, it's more oppressive every fucking day, and we don't seem to get any fucking smarter .... oh, and don't get up on your fucking high horse and say, oooooooooooooo, doctor pete .... can't you just .... not say "fuck" so much?

fuck that ..... you've got to SHRIEK fuck ALL these fucking fucks when you read shit like this in the knee jerk crimes:

"President Bush said Monday that telecommunications companies should be thanked, not sued, for helping the government conduct warrantless wiretapping in the U.S. after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Telecom companies face around 40 lawsuits for their alleged role in wiretapping their American customers.
"Should these lawsuits be allowed to proceed, or should any company that may have helped save American lives be thanked for performing a patriotic service?" Bush said after meeting at the White House with the National Association of Attorneys General.
"Should those who stepped forward to say we're going to help defend America have to go to the courthouse to defend themselves, or should the Congress and the president say thank you for doing your patriotic duty? I believe we ought to say thank you," he said.
"I urge the full House to pass this legislation as soon as possible," Bush said. "I know we need to have the private carriers available to provide information."
"There's a lot of legal complexities on the FISA renewal debate, but the real issue comes down to this: To defend the country, we need to be able to monitor communications of terrorists quickly and be able to do it effectively," Bush said.

no, i can't make up stuff like this, and why there's not rioting in the streets blows my mind, and i'd be out there but .... i'm sixty-two years old and i'm so fucking arthritic i can't walk or scratch my ass without whimpering and weeping in the morning let alone pick my kids up out of their beds and get them ready to school they're not small boys and goddamn they're gittin' bigger ever' day and even tho' i'm so medicated for pain i'm slobbering on my guitars i'm about ready to shoot that shit into my eyeballs because whoever does get into the white house is going to have to clean out the fucking augean stables and that's not just your tired old historical literary metaphor because "worst" and his cronies have crapped up everything these busy little termites don't they ever fucking sleep? i hear he likes to go to bed early at the same time every night how does this fecal smear get the time to fuck up things so badly i guess he learned how to delegate when he was at harvard bidness skool good thing his edjimacation warn't completely wasted even though he mighta been mosta the time he never inhaled just packed his nostrils and sfinkter with peruvian marching powder and columbian instant breakfast and wouldn't it be nice to hear some discussion about how we're going to get all our paper back from china instead of pissing on folks who don't want to hammer a flag pin into the center of their foreheads and ......

hillary? barrack? what can i say about them? that you haven't already heard? hillary's able to piss people off, and i respect that in a woman, but .... barrack .... i wish, i just wish that he hadn't incorporated so many republicrap talking points into his speeches, and call me vindictive, call me shallow, call me vengeful but ..... how can he seriously think that he's going to be the one that will effect a reconciliation in this polarized country, a country that's been polarized deliberately and callously and with great deliberations by republicans who have turned hatred to their own ends, who have made an endgame out of being assholes and bigotry a virtue ....

and besides, i want to see them all hauled up on war crimes charges in the hague ......

next: dr. pete stops dreaming

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Nick aka "Enfield" says:

I pretty much agree with both the good doctor and esskay. My main concern is perhaps that border fence may well be intended to keep us in more than it would be to keep anyone out.

I'm thinking it would be better to learn French or Italian.


Submitted by Nick aka "Enfield" on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 16:35
Ess kargo says:

Spot on perfect. Couldn't have said it better myself. Wouldn't want to try. John's been gone for 2 weeks. Each day as I read the news these past weeks it feels a little more, and a little more oppressive. Is Robin enjoying watching her stocks drop? Are you enjoying the value of your house receding? How about filling up that rocket car? I know I'm not enjoying any of these things, as I fight with my insurance company to pay my mental health bills! 1 in 100 Americans are in jail. How long will it take for people to realize that we have a government that has waged war on it's people?!? Welcome to Nazi Germany! Obama & Hilary are getting ready to set the ovens to 2000 degrees. Meet ya in South America!! I'll be the pale, tattooed freak, fumbling with my Spanish and kissing the ground, that I got out alive.

Submitted by Ess kargo on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 16:36
Ess kargo says:

Spot on perfect. Couldn't have said it better myself. Wouldn't want to try. John's been gone for 2 weeks. Each day as I read the news these past weeks it feels a little more, and a little more oppressive. Is Robin enjoying watching her stocks drop? Are you enjoying the value of your house receding? How about filling up that rocket car? I know I'm not enjoying any of these things, as I fight with my insurance company to pay my mental health bills! 1 in 100 Americans are in jail. How long will it take for people to realize that we have a government that has waged war on it's people?!? Welcome to Nazi Germany! Obama & Hilary are getting ready to set the ovens to 2000 degrees. Meet ya in South America!! I'll be the pale, tattooed freak, fumbling with my Spanish and kissing the ground, that I got out alive.

Submitted by Ess kargo on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 16:37

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