Hard Times Are Here Again

i'm having a real hard time here and, if i were you, i wouldn't bother with this shit; i'd go watch oprah .... or have a miller lite .... or rub bacon grease in my hair .... or figure out who the fuck jen is ..... no, this one's been really hard to write, and it's all about cognitive dissonance ... i've got cognitive dissonance in a big way, and i can't resolve it ....

it's pounding my ass so bad that it almost makes me feel empathy for joe sixfuck; he's got to deal with cognitive dissonance on a day-to-day, and he's not as sophisticated as i am .... oh, don't give me that fucking "gee, pete ... you're such an elitist snob" bullshit ..... not all people are created equal; most aren't even created interesting ..... and what about little ms. america? worrying about the size of her tits and whether her pussy smells and she's feeling sorry for jen, whoever that is, and consumed with the minutiae of celebrity and the secret anguish of the network stars and how will oprah lose that fucking weight? and how will she ever firm up her abs and learn the eighteen ways to please a man the things he wants you to know but won't tell you because he's too busy jerking off to internet porn and how is she ever going to come to terms with her trivialized existence and not decompensate utterly?

oh ... you can't tell the difference, can you .....

i'm sure that, by now, you're wondering, what's the point, doctor pete? what's the fucking point?

the point is cognitive dissonance: how does one balance what one's told with one's lying fucking eyes?

the point is that an american's gotta go through the day with oil approaching one hundred dollars a barrel, while looking at ads for cars that only emphasize that they now have more horsepower than ever before ...

the point is that an american's got to balance the mythos of being compassionate and friendly and caring about strangers all the while knowing that they practise torture and condone mass murder ....

the point is that an american's got to abide the charade of "illegal aliens" and how they fuck up the country, when everyone here who's not an american indian is an illegal alien who fucked up the country by killing all the legal residents ....

the point is that americans have to come to terms with their military fighting "wars" to protect the interests of oil companies, while mercenaries run amok in the streets of baghdad and new orleans, killing civilians ....

the point is that americans know that the fastest way to become a "terrorist" is to get shot by an american ..... that's how three-year-olds and their stuffed dolls become terrorists .... or detergents ....

ha ha .... i meant, "insurgents ....."

jesus, this is difficult to write: it's veterans day and i have a hard time when i see pictures of that fucking bush, taken with some poor schlumpf who has no face left, or who is missing limbs .... for being a neutered squirrel he's sure got some nuts, doesn't he? i'd rather slit my belly and bleed out than be the photographer that takes those shots, or the fucking editor that puts them into print ....

actually, we should see a lot more of those shots; we should have them blown up into huge posters, put them on subway walls and tenement halls and listen to the sound of fucking silence: thanks, george, for being such a compassionate conservative .... that's about the only thing we learned from vietnam: don't show pictures of what war does to our guys .... just turn war into a pyrotechnic light show and you'll do fine in selling it to the masses ....

so .... i'm told that one out of four homeless is a veteran .... now: does having a "support the troops" magnetic ribbon on your suv get you free parking at walter reed?

i'm having a hard time ....

i have a hard time when i hear george bush "sending a message" to musharaff: "take off your uniform ....." what's that supposed to mean? that bush is always in costume? or that he's going to loan pervie a used codpiece? and why are these assholes always "sending messages?" wouldn't a singing candy gram do just as well?

i have a hard with our "foreign policy" anyway, and pakistan anyway: they harbor terrorists, they give bin laden room service; they sell nukilar sekrets to everyone; they suspend elekshuns; they dissolve their supreem kort --- jeez, wish we would; that's why i have such cognitive dissonance here ... they're doing what we should be doing --- and they get ten billion fucking dollars for doing so, while bush doesn't even have the decency to go into a nice private bathroom stall to orally pleasure musharraf .... i mean, provide lip service to him .....

i have a hard time with democrats; they were once the party of the people;" now they're little more than a corporate strap-on ..... the difference between being a democrat corporate strap-on and a republican corporate strap-on is that the democratic strap-on is flaccid; the republican strap-on is rigid, but it's only four inches long .... and they're both very white .....

i have a hard time when national prickhead radio plays "america the beautiful" as part of their soundscape for veterans' day, especially when they're in a cemetery; hey, if you're going to sing that song, go to the grand canyon .....

i have a hard time thinking about the right to privacy, unless, of course, a corporation wants information about you, or the government wants information about you, in which case they can do whatever they want, whenever they want to, however long they want to, without recrimination or recourse to the courts ....

i have a hard time with that fuck-wrinkle feinstein; she's never done what she was elected to do; she's never represented her constituency ... can she be recalled? like a chinese date-rape toy? because she's fucking us all witless and we're not doing a fucking thing about it ....

i have a hard time reading that "cheney honors veterans .... "

i have a hard time seeing pictures of bush, doing anything ..... i've worked with enough fetal alcohol syndrome kids to know neurological and cognitive impairment when i see it .... maybe you want to have a beer with something that slobbers snot down its shirtfront before eating its boogers, but i don't .... and i don't want something like that as my president, either, although that's what we end up getting from the republicans: homunculus mongoloids, cretinous retards, mutant droolers ....

i have a hard time with the crop of "presidential hopefuls ...." i have a hard time with democrats who have picked up the neo-con lede of "problems with social security ....." the only problem with social security is that it works; any government program that benefits people runs contrary to the republican agenda, and any fiscal difficulties with social security might have something to do with bush and his crew raiding and depleting the surplus .....

and what are the "issues" for the republicans? ooooooooooooooooo .......... "i'm tuff on terror ..." no I'M tuff on terror .... well, i'm so tuff on terror i'm going to suck the eyeballs out of this kitty cat's head .... well, you think you're tuff on terror; i'm so tuff on terror i'm going to assfuck this puppy to death and turn him into a cockholster ....oh, you think you're tuff on terror? i'm so tuff on terror i'm going to put five hundred people into an illegal prison illegally and hold them there without charges for years and i'm going to use "enhanced interrogation techniques" because i'm tuff on terror and i'm going to fuck them in the ass, too, and urinate on their backs and then i'm going to smear menstrual blood on my lips and tongue no i mean on them because they don't like it and then i'm going to slip into a bathroom stall and suck off strangers and turn my mouth into a cumbucket and smear sticky splooge all over my gums and rub it into my armpits because i'm tuff on terror and the democrats aren't they're soft on terror and you don't want that do you because they just tax and spend but we just spend and we'd never spend any money on n*****rs or anyone else who is poor we just give money to rich people and rich big corporations and thta's because we're tuff on terror ....

and we're agin' a borshun ..... but we all fer killin' as many peeple as we kan ..... s'long as they not white .... unless they in yew-niform 'n' then they kin die too ....

jeeziz ....

you can tell i'm having a hard time .... i'm having a hard time with a bovine complacent populace that's as flaccid as a republican's cock, that cheers weakly for more depredations and violations as they're continually sodomized by corporations and the "government" that's been installed to protect corporate interests and perpetuate a populace as a renewable resource for corporate harvest ....

i ..... i ..... MY FUCKING HEART! IT'S ..... IT'S ...... ARGGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG ....................................................................

hey .... happy holidays, okay?

next: dr. pete takes his thorazine and settles down

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Steven says:


I wish I could share your optimism.


Submitted by Steven on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:28
Maureen says:

May I add:

Every flag draped coffin that comes into Dover Air Force Base (or wherever the hell our dead soldiers arrive every single day, these days) should be zoomed in on by every network....then there should be the followup coverage of the funerals with in your face closeups of the moms and the dads and the kids and .....well...you know the rest.... all those family members left with a triangular flag ceremoniously placed in their hands by the stoic, designated on duty soldier whose sole purpose is to fold flags and place them in the arms of shell shocked family members whose children are laying in their caskets...in pieces. Then the cameras can follow said families to their homes where they will carefully document the lifetimes of loss.....pain.....wondering why. Why? Oh....we know why....for God and country.....to preserve freedom....to protect our homeland from terrorists.


But we don't want THAT kind of reality show. We prefer Dancing With the Stars....American Idol....and reruns of Gilligan's Island and/or the moronic Ozzie Osborne 'reality' show. Or people eating worms and laying in glass cages with 200 Rat Snakes. Or Jerry Springer's "mah cuzzin is mah lover but mah sister's havin' his keed....or....or.....

Gotta go...it's the re-run of the O.J. hearing.

Submitted by Maureen on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:28
Scarlett says:

"it's all about cognitive dissonance ... i've got cognitive dissonance in a big way, and i can't resolve it ...."

Hey Doc;

A photo of a

"Burning Bush"

would resolve it for me !!!!!

Submitted by Scarlett on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:28

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