Tet a Tet

i heard john mcstain giving a speech the other day, something about government not being "sensitive to the needs or demands of its citizens ...." mcstain's the least likely candidate for sensitivity training i can imagine, other than boy george, and i don't mean the singer ..... it occurred to me that he actually had a point: our government is not sensitive to the needs or demands of the seventy percent of its citizens who would like to see an end to our illegal and immoral unilateral invasion of a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us whatsoever, but that wasn't his point .... i think he was talking about home schooling, and how if you wanted to teach your kids why god hates jews, made the world in six days with no quality control and kicked back on the seventh and planted dinosaur fossils to test your faith you should be able to do so ..... i could give a shit about home schooling; you want your kids to be fourth class citizens in a fifth rate country, fine; you're already more than halfway there; go ahead and finish the fucking job .... if i believed in a deity that was obsessed with my genitalia and what i did with it, i'd probably want to take my kids out of school, too ..... last night i was watching videos about the cosmos: as irritating as carl sagan was, i still was slack-jawed, trying to terms with infinity: trillions and trillions of galaxies, uncountable suns, uncountable planets, strewn like diamonds on rusty black velvet .....

and down here on little old earth we have a god who is obsessed with genitalia ...... and who takes sides in football games and wars ....

speaking of dickheads, boy george is asking nato to pick up some of the tab for afghanistan .... what fucking nerve; i think he must be hung like a steroidal hamster, but still ..... what balls ..... let's see ..... invaded countries without forming a coalition; unilateral invasions against the will of the global community .... mishandled ..... well, let me back up here a minute: actually they did what they set out to do: funnel a shitload of money into bechtel and halliburton and kbr et al but ..... now he wants someone else to pay for it ....

regressed, infantile, narcissistic, sociopathic little dweeb ..... spoiled little brat, whiny little bitch; someone's always bailed him out, picked up after him and the first thing that comes to my mind is ....

why don't they do it for me?

no .... ha ha ...... clearly just being lovable isn't enough in a case like this, so i guess i'll have to keep on keepin' on .....

and, of course, playing lyrically magical guitar in incredibly lucrative shows as i tour some of the bay area's finer urinals ....

speaking of assholes, our media's at it again, spit shining republican shit, this time with their coverage of how tough the fed's going to be in fixing up our financial system .... you know, the one that boy george and his dedicated crew of little fuck elves let run wild like a pack of foaming fucking weasels tearing through a henhouse where all the hens were whacked out on quaaludes and IT'S PARTY TIME! FUKIN A ITS PARTY TIME ..... like i'm so sure that this "government," which has dedicated itself to proving that government doesn't work--and done a crack-up job of it, i dare say; which has painstaking dissolved, destroyed, dismantled any form of significant regulation over any fucking thing, like they're really going to start monitoring and regulating their constituency .... ha ha .... i believe that one allright, and i'll bet .... ha ha .... you do, too ..... paul krugman, of whom i think the absolute world, has written about this better than i ever could dream of, and you can check it out here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/31/opinion/31krugman.html?hp .......

i see the iraqis are going to spend six billion dollars buying a fleet of airplanes from boeing because .... ha ha .... all their planes were destroyed by .... ha ha ..... us ..... don't you think we could have saved a lot of time and bother and unpleasantness if we'd just forked over six billion bucks to boeing? kind of cut out the middleman? in one of our traditional no-bid contract deals? and i see that ford motor company, descendants of henry ford who created the automobile industry in the first place, whose very first cars got better gas mileage than the ones they make now, is going to sell ..... well .... let me put it in reverse here for a moment, and back up .... a while back ford had to buy some english motorcar companies because .... well ..... because they were bitchin' and it sounded neat and it would give them panache and a cachet because holy fucking god the pinto sucked rocks and the mustang got hoof and mouth and was sent off to the knackers .... so ford bought jaguar and landrover but .... ha ha .... they're not making enough money on them, although i think they're selling enough right here in marin county to keep 'em afloat i think it's great you can get a safari-bred vehicle like a landrover you never know when you're going to encounter hostile natives when you want to park in front of your spa and someone's taken your place in front of the spa, you know the one that has the little blue placard on it with the white wheel it's there just for you and usually you can slide right in without spilling your bottled water or interrupting your telephone conversation four wheel drive sure comes in handy on the rugged roads of mill valley it's always an adventure driving here and i'm not making that up i carry a can of mace with me when i ride bicycle on the road i think of it as "yuppie off" or "beemer scat" or just basically as asshole repellent although it doesn't go through a car's windshield as neatly as a .44 magnum does still you should see their faces when i pull alongside of them and spray that red juice down the driver's window i've got to dance in and out quickly because they tend to swerve but what i wanted to say was .....

ford's selling jaguar and landrover to india's tata motor comopany .....

nice tatas, that's what i'm thinkin'; nice tatas ......

and i can't help but think, boy, it's about time our ceo's got another raise or more stock options because they're doing a bang-up job, all right when the market regulates itself and companies give the people what they want like a good anal fisting rectal penetration with large angular unlubricated objects and whole cities go belly up and industries have to move over to dubai where slave labor is so convenient just don't let those chile-chokin' taco-twistin' folks come in here to pick lettuce or fruit those'r jobs us good native americans want to do native americans whose mammys and pappys came over from germany or ireland or italy or england or scotland or other foreign places like iowa or new jersey or west virginia those'r all people who want to pick some lettuce or some strawberries they grow real nice strawberries in iowa it's a great place to grow except for the groundwater kind of sullied with all the hawg farm runoff that nitrate stuff it's pretty stinky but archer daniel midlands is a green business they make a lot of green and .....

you get the idea .....

meanwhile, we've finally turned the corner in iraq and those iraqis are handling their own security except for the aerial sorties we made on their behalf that'll all change of course when they buy their own planes and we've taken back baghdad for the well i've just lost track of how many times we've won the war you know? and then of course there was the shelling inside the "heavily fortified" green zone which is where you can buy mcdonald's and you can say "hold the shrapnel on that please"and honest to god, the first thing that came to me was .....

doesn't anyone remember the tet offensive?

next: dr. pete masticates

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Scarlet says:

Hey Dypshyt....................
With no intention to insult your comment; "those soldiers fighting & the families that have lost loved ones because of it .........."

To date this "war" has been a "voluntary enlistment" either to the armed forces of the U.S. or as mercenaries for the compaines given contracts (no bid)in Iraq and Afghanistan and where ever else the U.S. military has troops deployed that the American public doesn't know about yet.

It's unfortunate that people such as yourself don't understand and appreciate that Dr. Pete is trying to make people aware that what these young people are signing up to fight for and losing their lives for is an oil grab by companies they probablly don't even own stock in. This is what makes the loss of young volunteer U.S. soldiers lives all the more sad.

I suggest you read up on the history of U.S. companies partnered with the Saudi's in the formation of Aramco, starting around WWII. Or even go back further to WWI when the oil grab started.

Do your homework, then see if your comments to Dr. Pete are valid.

And if you have been reading his editorals as you say.......Dr. Pete has never said anything negative about the troops fighting and losing there lives.

I applaud Dr. Pete for taking the time to try to spread awareness by writing his editorials. He doesn't need a gun........he's got a pen and he uses it very well.

Submitted by Scarlet on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 16:29
Anonymous says:

after reading your rants for the last few months it has become apparant to me what ever became of hippies who used drugs-you guys will never change-always bitching whining complaining-why didnt you sorry asses pick up a gun in nam-why dont you pick up one now-its very easy to sit on the sidelines with your guitar while the rest of us fight and lose family-its not wise to complain about war if you have no family over there fighting-you treehuggers crack me up.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 16:31

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