Take Two and Shut The Fuck Up

dear diary:

let's be quick and dirty .... i see where psychiatrists are making a shitload of money from pharmaceutical manufacturers to push drugs ..... gosh, that shocks me ..... doctors? suborned by commercial interests? dancing like little fuckpuppets to the tune of the pharmaceutical industry? gee ........ when arthritis pain was first starting to push me around the bend and make me whimper so high that only the neighborhood dogs could hear me i'd go to doctors and i could tell that what they were seeing was "a long haired musician, with tattoos, asking for drugs ...."

needless to say, i didn't get anything ......

the converse holds true; i've been so heavily over-medicated for blood pressure (as to why, that's a story i just don't have the strength to go into right now ..... that'd be a year-long topic called "health care in america and why it doesn't exist and why people with white coats are fucking you in the ass under the guise of taking your temperature rectally and oh my god! it's the pharmaceutical industry carrying off billions of dollars in extortionate profits hi congress and senate, thank you so much! for making robbery legal! and moral! can we have more please? and let's not forget the insurance companies that are shrieking but we need more profits! more profits! more profits! more profits! less service! less service! less service! oh go fuck yourself america, you snivelling little whiners take two and go fuck yourself in the morning" .....

and that's just the title .....

getting off medications, once you're on them, is like pursuing the holy fucking grail, and i won't bore you with these details, either ..... i'm still too tired, and that's because i've had a bronchial infection for the last month (thanks, boys! my boys are just like herpes: they're the gifts that keep on giving .....) but i couldn't get antibiotics and i've never been able to get antibiotics for recurring pulmonary infections and that's because i love to trip on penicillin, you bet i do i just jam it right into my left fucking eyeball with a corroded old spike and lapse into reveries of world peace and harmony and other seditious drug-induced fantasies and .......

it really fucked me up but i'm coming back, just in time to go out of town for a couple of weeks; the family and i'll head back east and romp around upstate new york in an area that's perfect for bicycling; due to republican economies no one can live there any more so the roads are spectacularly paved, undulate delightfully and..... there are no cars ......

let's just consider, albeit briefly, the bush legacy ..... other than the complete collection of richie rich, the poor little rich boy, comics that he'll leave in his presidential library, and his well-worn foldout of miss deuteronomy, this prolapsed rectum'll leave us with his "supreme" court ..... oh, these dildoes are supreme, all right, and before i go any further let me just say, thank you you fucking gutless worm-sucking spineless democratic paramecium ..... you just let roberts and alito slide right through, didn't you? oooooooooo, we don't wanna appear to be tuff ..... oooooooo, let's be buy partisan .....

these fucksnorters; it was like watching "what's my line?" that's what they kept asking each other: what's my line? what do i do? what's my job?

other than being a scabrous cockholster for george bush and a dollar spittoon for corporations and their lobbyists ......

i'm not an attorney, thank god, but there are three questions other than "how does stare decisis apply to roe v. wade" that come to mind, questions like ..... why do you hate women? why do you hate people? and .....

why do you hate our freedoms?

now our "media" is starting to write shit like "the supreme court's turn to the right ....." bleaaauuugggghhhhhhhhhhh ...... is this a surprise? am i the only one who noticed this, even before it happened? like i'm the only one who thought, hmmmmmmmmmm ........ perhaps the "iraq war" is whorseshit and we're going to be really really really really really sorry and i don't think we should oughta go and do this 'n' ........

welcome to corporate america, dick and jane ..... let's talk about all the rights you enjoy: you have the right to remain silent ..... now shut the fuck up and enjoy your hair .... if a doctor cuts off your dick and shoves it in your mouth, although you'd gone in for a tonsillectomy, you can't sue because that'd be a frivolous lawsuit .... there's no bankruptcy protection any more, so enjoy the unsolicited credit cards you were showered with, along with their usurious 42.756% apr and buy more shit to fight terrsssmmm ...... enjoy the mercury in your water, fuck science in the schools; all you ever needed to know is in yore bahbul, 'n' yore tass dollers're payin' fer 'em ...... yo, bitch; your pussy belongs to us, 'n' so does yer yewterus ..... but just try gettin' us to change a diaper fer ya .... ha ha ha ha ha ......

on and on and on and on and on ......

these ambulatory tumours are going to be sitting there and fucking with america for the next two generations ..... it doesn't matter whether a democrat gets into office in a year-and-a-half .... it doesn't matter because who can tell the difference? but ..... it doesn't matter because there won't be any openings for court appointments for decades, and we'll be stuck with the bush legacy of ..... of ...... of ........

and i so wanted to be positive this golden california morning!

i'm gone for a couple of weeks: no news, no net .... just pure mountain air and the sound of nothingness from an economically devasted countryside .... mmmm, mmmmm good!

i have one show, on july 6th, with john sheehan at the warwick valley winery, in warwick, new york ......

the august 4 show at the larkspur dinner cafe theatre has been cancelled; the sweetwater snagged the lease and ......

gee, it'd be nice to be able to play in my own backyard ......

oh well ...... have a happy fourth of july; use a rolled-up copy of the constitution as punk, for lighting all your consumer-safe fireworks .......

next: dr. pete comes home

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Anthony says:

I live in Canada, and its not much better up here....i'm a musician and i have suffered with depression and anxiety for a long time....i try and try to seek help...but the more i try the harder it gets....Pychiatrists are scum, all they do is take shots in the dark towards telling me what kind of pill i should "try" its not a science..its a fucking farce! If it was a so called "chemical embalance" with a "chemical solution" wouldn't they be able to scan your brain for chemical deficiencies to better select what chemical pills you should be taking?!?! I guess not...its just a money grab, i'm soo sick of it, and i know quite a few people in the same boat as me...nothing to do but sit around all day feeling like shit because there is no actual real help out there....its a fuckin disgrace!

Submitted by Anthony on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:50
Nick aka "Enfield" says:

Don't I know it, Doc!?!? After my previous employer closed their doors I had to go on COBRA insurance. When enough of the other former employees left the group, our plan crashed. Now I have to pay half my gross monthly income just on medical insurance.


Submitted by Nick aka "Enfield" on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:50
Steve Duddy says:

As Lenin famously asked: "What is to be done?"

I don't much like most of Lenin's own answers to the question, but I think the question is one anyone who still cares about the planet should be asking.

And thank you Doctor Pete for another morning's mallet of reality, a real hit to the noggin!

Submitted by Steve Duddy on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:50

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