Passion Fruits

never think that bushy-boy is the "leader of the free world;" he couldn't lead his dog to a fire hydrant on a leash .... and don't think that prick cheney is the [only] one pulling george's strings: no, exxon is the leader of the not-so-free world; chevron is the leader of the not-so-free world; glaxo-smith-klein is the leader of the not-so-free world ......

corporations have become the true leaders of the world .... they buy and sell governments, they hold countries in thrall, they set policies ..... in the last few years, with the help of the bushies and complicit democrats, the pharmaceutical industry has structured pricing and outlawed governmental negotiations on medications for medicare; the banking industry has raised credit card rates while restricting bankruptcy options; the energy industry sits cheek by jowl with dick cheney; the oil industry gets tax exemptions, in times of record breaking windfall profits, that they don't even ask for; the auto industry sets fuel efficiency standards (most of detroit's cars are less efficient than the model t ford); the list goes on and on, not to mention that you, dear reader, are a natural resource for all corporations and industries, to be strip mined, plundered, and exploited, to be bred, raised, and sheared like the bleating sheep you are; to be trampled, invaded, investigated, studied, marginalized, data mined, and manipulated, before being written off as a depleted resource .....

not a bad gig, if you can get it .....

corporations thrive on hollow need and empty want ..... do you really need a hummer? rather, would you need a hummer if you weren't told that you did? do you really need the broad spectrum of orange juice with the varying degrees of pulp you find in your supermarket freezer? do you need two hundred channels of runny loose shit on your cable tv?

not if you weren't told you did ....

thanks to the american way, corporations are now legally treated as individuals, except that they have more rights than you, a real individual, has ..... and, as an individual, corporations spend billions of dollars creating and manipulating the image of themselves as benevolent and personable entities ..... corporations have recently added "passion" to their lexicon, and i'm not sure why; americans aren't notorious for being passionate ..... phlegmatic, perhaps ..... politically retarded, for sure; but passionate? .... now italians, they're passionate ..... i think the spanish are, too, and i believe we can say the same about the french ..... but at&t? at&t, when not providing illegal wiretaps to the government, is passionate about delivering something to you; i'm not sure what it is, because i start screaming "fuck you!" and hurl the radio across the room when i hear the ad start .... novo nordisc is passionate about diabetes; this must mean they're glad you're sick, because there'd be no profits for them if you were healthy ..... and microsoft is passionate about your potential .....

potential, my ass .....

guys .... if you're going to get all hot and sweaty and short of breath, why don't you just ......

blow me ......

does this mean that norvo nordisc gets a woody when it comes up to a diabetic? starts fumbling at their crotch? does this mean that at&'s got a hard-on for you and wants to dry hump you in the elevator? am i going to find microsoft wrapped around my leg like a manic-y miniature poodle, panting and gasping and trembling? the idea of corporations running around with a stiffy, breathing heavily and sweating, makes me nervous ..... they're fucking us enough already, and they have yet to send me any flowers ....

how about you? get any chocolates from altria? bonbons from philip morris? champagne from daimler benz?

didn't think so ....

am i the only one who sees this?

let me know .....

speaking of fucking ....

the press is already hailing the disintegration of democratic unity in the aftermath of the murtha/hoyer floof ..... whatever, you know? i've never counted on democrats to be one with the boot and rally mentality of their republican counterparts, who stand with their arms outstretched for their leader, but .... i'd like to see some party loyalty for a fucking change .... like that cunt, liebermann: ooooo ..... who, when asked if he were still a democract, said: "i'll reserve judgement and make decisions as i see fit" .... joe ....

why don't you just put on the brown shirt and those shiny knee-high black boots and come out of the fucking closet ....

i've thought about it, and here it is, folks: i figure the democrats have got two years to do things before they screw up the next national election ... that' s not a lot of time, especially when you think of the decades it's going to take to undo--if we ever can--the incredible amount of damage little george and his wrecking crew have done to the environment, the constitution, our civil liberties, our finances, our security, our international goodwill, et al ..... so, folks, draw the line in the sand, bite the bullet, hoist that cum-spotted blue dress battle flag, and start impeachment proceedings .... don't tell me that "the next six months are critical to success in iraq ...." we've been hearing that for the last four years, and it sucks ass, not success ..... the american people voted for change, they gave you a mandate; you've got political capital .... spend it! run up your charge card! go for broke!

it's not like the republicans are showing any willingness to change .... trent lott?

geeziz h. fuck .....

trent lott ......

john boehner (that's not pronounced "bay-ner," folks; just say it like it looks) ......

mel martinez ......

give me a fucking break .......

and, god, how can you keep up with it all? george in hanoi .... oh ..... safe to go there now, george? hmmmm? thirty-five years after combat ended? saying in fucking vietnam that we need to learn the lesson that "we'll succeed unless we quit?"

christ ..... these people .....

next: dr. pete and the american colonoscopy

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Joey Covington says:

Finally, Hanoi George gets to meet Hanoi Jane.
Next a photo op for a new Turner Classic Movie called North meets South. And everybody gets to have their own flag, since the stars have disappeared, the stripes have been stripped and red, white, and blue is now only deep red with a yellow star. And, the only blue is Hanoi George in his new blue robe telling us that Vietanam and Iraq are one and the same war. So anybody out there reading this..take a look at the grand old American Flag and read between the stripes...if
you can still find any.

Submitted by Joey Covington on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:42
Scarlet says:

Wow, Americans can call him "Hanoi George" now!

Corporations?........ The Donkey and Elephant need to go. The Democrats and Republicans can pick one oil company logo to be the symbol for both of them (yes, wishful thinking, but truth is truth)....They can make a whole drama out of it in the not so free press with all the polls as to which logo is going to win and keep us distracted entertained for a while. You know, all the hearings and speeches.......drag it out til 2008.

Then I was thinking...gee if The Lemmon Company would be/ could be one of the leaders of the not so free world, throw in a yearly supply of the good old 714's I'd at least be calm, smiling, and numb as I'm being written off as depleted. Much better then going down in pain. Again, wishful thinking.........

Submitted by Scarlet on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:42
"Wildman" Dave says:

Has Rangel lost his mind??? Bring back the draft? I'm all for the rich kids going to war, but let's be realistic. This country is already divided enough with all of the other hot button issues of the day. The draft would ensure a split in this country worse than the Civil War. Rangel's heart may be in the right spot with regards to Universal Draft, but come on, all the draft is is population control. Is this the answer to the immigration problem? Did the draft serve its intended purpose during Vietnam? I'm all for the "Democratic Revolution" Tour 2006, at the same time some of its players are starting off on the wrong foot. Gingrich is starting up a 527 campaign to undo last week's election. Implementing a draft will certainly undo last week's election, as well. Wake up! I enjoy the peace and quiet in my neighborhood and don't wish to contend with the citizens vs. the police with the "Hell No We Won't Gos" while I'm trying to drive to the grocery!!

Submitted by "Wildman" Dave on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:43

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