How Now Brown Cake

yeah ... i know .... i've been .... absent ......

there's not much that makes me want to leave the security of my dark padded room; if i didn't have to take the boys to school i'd never crawl out from underneath my bed, where i cuddle up to the dust bunnies, and as for writing? it's not been for lack of trying, but what can i do? rather than write a daily journal whose content could be summarized as "fuck this shit," i thought it might be better to judiciously observe, to not be hasty in making judgements--value and otherwise; to watch trends develop, to see which way the winds blow, to see if there'd be any lubricant used before the american sheeple were bent over, once again, and penetrated vigorously with large, angular objects, before being shorn totally and left, shivering, out in the cold .....

i hate to say this but .... i miss bush ..... honest to god, i miss that slobbering tremulous dimwit bush ..... do i need to explain? i miss bush because he was an easy shot; there wasn't anything subtle about him; it didn't matter what he did or said or said he was going to do, or tried to say what he might have thought about thinking of doing: it was perennially and patently obvious that he was a spoiled, petulant, entitled, whining, overwhelmed-by-circumstance dickwit idiot ..... it didn't matter what he did, or pretended to be doing, or set his minions to doing, nor--for that matter--did it matter what his lords and masters told him to do: it was always going to be malignant, ill-intentioned, it would always be detrimental to life as we know it and--when all else failed--i could fall back on the gut laugh that this slobbering cretinous retard was president of the united states .....

now clearly observable events, trends, and patterns are confounded with this overlay of "hope;" oooooo ..... we've got a democrat in the whitehouse now ..... eeeee, we've got a pigmented president in the white house ...... ngngngngnggn ..... thngs are going to be different, there's an upsurge of resentment against the republican depredations and .....

i swear to god, i can't tell the difference .....

sure, there are these little dollops of enlightenment, these titbits thrown out to palliate a public that's eating the big, hairy economic wazoo: stem cell research? hey, that's great, and i know that michael j. fox'll be glad to hear that but ..... i'd rather see war crimes trials ...... there are lots of trials that i'd like to see to .... ha ha .... reinvigorate my belief in the "rule of law," but .... ha ha ..... i doubt very much that we'll be seeing the telecom companies prosecuted for their complicity in .... ahem .... eavesdropping on americans; i doubt that we'll see any charges brought against republican whore .... i mean "war" .... mongers like feith, perle, wolfowitz--along with the "mainstream media," for their part in promoting falsehoods and disseminating mis- and dis-information that led to the IIUIOSNTNPUATW (i believe that stands for "the illegal immoral unilateral invasion of a sovereign nation that never posed us any threat whatsoever" but i didn't bother counting out the letters); do you really think there are going to be any significant consequences for the wall street sociopaths that threw aside the surly bonds of government regulation--aided and abetted by willing democrats and republicans--and wreaked havoc on the global economy? do you really think there'll be any significant reform of an economic system that's served a select few very well while slamming the ham to the ever more strictured middle class? and the rest of the world?

i really can't summon the remotest bit of what in the past might have passed as humor as i contemplate america and american values today .... hmmm ..... let's see .... i've just read that FEMA is now going to repossess the trailers (the ones with the formaldehyde filled walls) that new orleans residents, displaced by katrina, have been living in while trying to rebuild their homes and now .... ha ha .... there'll be no place for them to go--even though the trailers are just going to be junked: "they've served their purpose"--while y/our money continues to flow into the gaping pockets of investment bankers and banks and insurance companies and hedge funds and oh, isn't this an eloquent manifestation of american values and i can't find anything funny to say about this .....

maybe it's just that i'm tired, or need to up my meds .....

if i do up my meds, i'd better not be counting on single payer healthcare to help pay for them, not in this fucking country .... doesn't it strike you as .... mmmmm ..... somehow indicative of our values that there is no provision for single payer health care in the current "discussions" of "healthcare reform" on capitol hill? that people who questioned the wisdom of that at the hearings were jailed? eight years ago cheney's "energy task force" consisted of oil executives and lobbyists, and it's still the same old, same old: the foxes guarding the henhouse .....

and now i'm sitting here thinking, "do i have to write about torture again?" jesus, are we still seriously debating whether or not pouring a couple of gallons of water up somebody's nose is "torture" or just a "harsh technique?" are we really going to let all the sleazebags and psychopaths who perpetrated this shit go scot free? ha ha ..... yes, we are; you can count on it ..... isn't it funny how, after eight years of listening to bush try to speak, sounding like he was choking on a perpetual pretzel and making no sense whatsoever, we're no longer anti-semantic--we're now very precise with our use of language: it isn't torture if it doesn't cause major organ damage or death .... gee, i don't know; i keep thinking about the chinese water torture--it doesn't cause major organ damage or death but .... it's still torture ....

what do the chinese know that we don't?

then there was the big flap about arlen spector leaving the republican party ..... oooooooo ...... this'll give the democrats a huge advantage ....... eeeeeeeeee ....... they democrats'll have a fillibuster proof majority! yawn ..... if the democrats gave a shit about having a majority, if they had the eeentsiest teensiest bit of interest in having a majority so they could promote the democrat agenda--and does anyone have any idea what this might be? other than .... ha ha .... raising taxes?--might not they have expended some energy on the outcome of the norm coleman/al franken election?

i'm sorry but i'm not feeling super hopeful .... it feels to me like the democrat agenda is to embed themselves in power so obama can get another term so the democrats can stay in power; isn't that what the republicans were doing? and now i'm sitting here, looking at this fucking computer screen, with the only thing going through my head a litany of "f-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-ck ........ ooooooooooo f-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-ck ...... we-e-e-e-e-e-e-e're f-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uck'd> ......."

sorry: that's not substantive writing, not coherent reasoning, and not cogent thought, not by a long shot ......

it's not funny, either ......

as far as values go--and that's not very far, not in this country-- and as far as media integrity goes--and that's not very far in this country--let's talk about priorities, the biggest one being peddling fear for top dollar, a time honored tradition in america, and always about the biggest business there is ..... H1N1; swine flu, and we're not talking about pigs flying by my window, or greedy pig cocksuckers in congress who suck it up for greedy corporations .... you scared about swine flu? you ready to go buy some tamaflu? hey, think we should lock the borders and keep out our gardeners and nannies because, well .... because they're dark-complected and we're a racist bunch of fuckers but .... we can justify it because some poor kid got sick and died and maybe the disease started at a pork factory run by smithfield because bill clinton rammed NAFTA through and our corporations can run 'cross the border (see, it's okay because it's going south rather than coming north) and fuck things up down there and .....

how about this for an epidemiological perspective: every day out of every week out of every month in every year the united states of america has 81 gun fatalities ..... yes, that's every day .... every year the united states sees 144,000 tobacco related deaths ..... now: which do you really think needs more attention ..... something that kills 144,00 people and is preventable? at the risk of pissing of the tobacco companies? how about preventing close to 30,000 deaths per year? ooooops .... don't want to piss off the NRA, do we?

i've often wondered--and i'm sure you have, too--why the democrats have been so, well ..... ineffective in consolidating their power, presumably to further a progressive agenda .... i think it's because there is no progressive agenda; i think we're going to be served up the same old turd cake with a slightly different shit frosting on it .....

tell me i'm wrong ..... go ahead; tell me i'm wrong ......

i'll be under the bed .... with the dust bunnies .....

next: dr. pete bakes a cake

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

Sydney says:

i'm hoping the spaniards will get these motherfuckers. glad you gave me something to read today that got me even more wound up then i already was. you're so good at that. s

Submitted by Sydney on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 16:12

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