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I emailed our Nancy Pelosi on the day the Democrats won the last election. I emailed her both to congratulate her on her hard work and to tell her why I voted Green rather than for her: to wit, that she said she wouldn't even consider impeachment proceedings against the Thief Executive. I reminded her that just on the available public evidence the Chimp in Charge is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and if the Democrats do not have him brought up on charges then they are as guilty as he is. That was, when? November, 2006. And the Democrats are as jelly spined as ever. someone said..."We don't have the luxury of despair" so we don't give up...
10 years 5 months ago
As Lenin famously asked: "What is to be done?" I don't much like most of Lenin's own answers to the question, but I think the question is one anyone who still cares about the planet should be asking. And thank you Doctor Pete for another morning's mallet of reality, a real hit to the noggin!
10 years 5 months ago
Don't I know it, Doc!?!? After my previous employer closed their doors I had to go on COBRA insurance. When enough of the other former employees left the group, our plan crashed. Now I have to pay half my gross monthly income just on medical insurance. THE INSURANCE COMPANIES CAN KISS MY CORN-FED IOWA ASS!!! WE NEED SOCIALISED MEDICINE!!!
10 years 5 months ago
I live in Canada, and its not much better up here....i'm a musician and i have suffered with depression and anxiety for a long time....i try and try to seek help...but the more i try the harder it gets....Pychiatrists are scum, all they do is take shots in the dark towards telling me what kind of pill i should "try" its not a science..its a fucking farce! If it was a so called "chemical embalance" with a "chemical solution" wouldn't they be able to scan your brain for chemical deficiencies to better select what chemical pills you should be taking?!?! I guess not...its just a money grab, i'm soo sick of it, and i know quite a few people in the same boat as me...nothing to do but sit around all day feeling like shit because there is no actual real help out there....its a fuckin disgrace!
10 years 5 months ago
I couldn't agree with you more. This president will go down in history as perhaps the worst of all times ... past and future.
10 years 5 months ago
Hope you don't mind if I quote you. The only other writer that is as eloquent, i.m.o. is John Le Carre. This from his (supposedly fictional)2003 book "Absolute Friends": "That war on Iraq was illegitimate, Mr. Mundy. It was a criminal and immoral conspiracy. No provocation, no link with Al Qaeda, no weapons of Armageddon. Tales of complicity between Saddam and Osama were self-serving bullshit. It was an old colonial war dressed up as a crusade for Western life and liberty, and it was launched by a clique of war-hungry Judeo-Christian geopolitical fantasists who hijacked the media and exploited America's post 9-11 psychopathy. All it takes for a war like that to start, Sasha tells me, is for a few good men to do nothing. Well, they DID nothing. Whether they're good men, that's another thing. The Democratic opposition did fuck-all. Stay home, sing patriotic songs till it's safe to come out was their policy. Jesus Christ, what kind of opposition is that? What kind of moral courage?"
10 years 5 months ago


you know, it just is so hard to write editorials now; i started this one eight days a...
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 10:52
i started this back when there was that tiny little error in the gulf of mexico, when...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 11:56
i know i've said this before, but i'm finding it increasingly difficult to write anyt...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 11:54
honest to god, boys 'n' girls, we got more good news this week: death is america's bi...
Monday, February 22, 2010 - 10:52
Love your rants, I’ve been surprised to come across your site, with just a random search that started with the Leav...
3 years 6 months ago
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3 years 11 months ago
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3 years 11 months ago