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What??????????? No more Dr. Diaper??
10 years 6 months ago
"what's really happening and you'd better watch out for it is chinese corporations coming over here to manufacture over here" gee.....I wonder which American companies are partnered with them ? You know, like when Standard Oil partnered with the Saudi's and called the new corporation Aramco........then wow OPEC was formed. I'll leave out the rest of the American gang that later partnered in Aramco... well maybe one other name: Exxon......... "and if you think our manufacturing base is in bad trouble right now and it is watch what happens when you can get egg rolls with your plastic shit ..... " in trying, with great difficulty, to keep positive about the impending demise.......... egg rolls are more filling then "a bowl of rice a day" that fed the Chinese laborers brought here to build the U.S. Railroad network.
10 years 6 months ago
Hello Peter, It has been awhile. Liked the editorial. The one thing that I am surprised about is that more people are not talking about, in connection with Spitzer, is the fact that this entire situation was probably the result of illegal wire taps under the "patriot act". How is it that Senators Craig and Vitel are still in office and Spitzer had to go. It makes me wonder what else they got on him. Considering the fact that Spitzer was checking out the proposed Bush bail out of the mortgage situation in which the friends of Bush would have made millions and that he may have been the running mate of Senator Clinton - well it makes one wonder. Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist but this entire administration has been nothing more than a conspiracy. I also have to wonder, what does the young lady involved does that makes it worth $4,300 to have sex with her. Does she have a magic muff. The mind boggles. Hope you and your family are wee, Bob McPherson
10 years 6 months ago
You forgot one: dynamo snackbar That is all.
10 years 6 months ago
Spot on perfect. Couldn't have said it better myself. Wouldn't want to try. John's been gone for 2 weeks. Each day as I read the news these past weeks it feels a little more, and a little more oppressive. Is Robin enjoying watching her stocks drop? Are you enjoying the value of your house receding? How about filling up that rocket car? I know I'm not enjoying any of these things, as I fight with my insurance company to pay my mental health bills! 1 in 100 Americans are in jail. How long will it take for people to realize that we have a government that has waged war on it's people?!? Welcome to Nazi Germany! Obama & Hilary are getting ready to set the ovens to 2000 degrees. Meet ya in South America!! I'll be the pale, tattooed freak, fumbling with my Spanish and kissing the ground, that I got out alive.
10 years 6 months ago
Spot on perfect. Couldn't have said it better myself. Wouldn't want to try. John's been gone for 2 weeks. Each day as I read the news these past weeks it feels a little more, and a little more oppressive. Is Robin enjoying watching her stocks drop? Are you enjoying the value of your house receding? How about filling up that rocket car? I know I'm not enjoying any of these things, as I fight with my insurance company to pay my mental health bills! 1 in 100 Americans are in jail. How long will it take for people to realize that we have a government that has waged war on it's people?!? Welcome to Nazi Germany! Obama & Hilary are getting ready to set the ovens to 2000 degrees. Meet ya in South America!! I'll be the pale, tattooed freak, fumbling with my Spanish and kissing the ground, that I got out alive.
10 years 6 months ago


you know, it just is so hard to write editorials now; i started this one eight days a...
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 10:52
i started this back when there was that tiny little error in the gulf of mexico, when...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 11:56
i know i've said this before, but i'm finding it increasingly difficult to write anyt...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 11:54
honest to god, boys 'n' girls, we got more good news this week: death is america's bi...
Monday, February 22, 2010 - 10:52
Love your rants, I’ve been surprised to come across your site, with just a random search that started with the Leav...
3 years 7 months ago
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4 years 5 days ago