The Rule of Law

i haven't been following the olympics, so i don't know if there's any cause for great rejoicing ..... i don't have a tv, remember? my mother-in-law just asked me if i knew what had happened today, and i replied that i did: someone won, someone lost, and there was someone who came in, in between ....

last year, when lance armstrong took his seventh tour de france, a friend of mine brought over a stack of dvd's that he had, a chronicle of the tour .... i'd never seen the tour; in fact, for all the cycling i've done through the years, i've never really watched a bicycle race ..... so, i was more than curious: i was excited ......

that was then, this is now, and i still haven't seen a bicycle race, and i still haven't seen the tour de france ..... what i saw, before i returned the discs, was: assholes who didn't ride bicycles talking about racing .... assholes who didn't have a bicycle talking about bicycles .... assholes who didn't have a clue, talking .... i didn't see one ad for a bicycle, but i saw a lot of advertisements for large, fuel inefficient vehicles ..... i saw graphs and charts and special effects and animated sequences and glittering garbage that had, as far as i could tell, nothing to do with bicyles ..... then i saw some more commercials .... and then i saw some more pompous, bloated pincushions trying to create drama and conflict, because there clearly isn't enough drama and excitement in the tour de france, when all they had to do was ....

show the fucking race .....

oh .... right ..... there's something wrong with me ..... i did catch a glimpse of a pack of cyclists, when the camera briefly followed one from behind .... i was mesmerized ..... whoever it was had great legs, but then they all do, and he had great form ..... but then they all did .... i knew what he was doing, i knew why he was doing it, and it was beautiful to watch someone doing a thing so well that you really didn't have to know much about the sport, know much about what you were watching, to know that you were seeing something very, very special ....

i could have watched that for hours ....

i know i'm missing the point again, but why watch some slug posturing, why listen to some self-important ninny braying nonsense, when you could ......

just watch the event ....

i guess that sports fans, like music fans, have to be told what they're watching so they know whether it's any good and .... if it's okay to enjoy it .... and what they can spend their money on so they can feel like participants .... so they can feel like winners .......

well ............. right about now you're asking yourself, what's the fucking point, mister flipper? get to the fucking point .....

well, the point is, we're all losing, and we're all losers ......

this is from today's (february 24, 2006) associated press: State lawmakers voted Friday to ban nearly all abortions in South Dakota and sent the measure to the governor, who, being the posturing, self-righteous, opportunistic, manipulative, shallow republican fuckpig bag o' dung that he is, said he is inclined to sign it.

Under the legislation, doctors in South Dakota would face up to five years in prison for performing an abortion unless it was necessary to save the woman's life.

The bill directly targets Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. State lawmakers believe the nation's highest court is now more likely to reverse itself on the abortion issue because of the recent appointments of Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito.

well, blow me ..... i am so tired of hearing these mealymouthed monkeybutt huffers posturing and posing and blathering about "the rule of law ...." i know, and you know, and they know, that they're flatulent, arrogant pussbags, that they're lying sacks of shit, and what they really mean is, "when we rule, we make the laws ....."

roe v. wade has been the law of the land since 1972, and not one day has gone by without these busy little termites, gnawin' away, gnawin' away .... now they've got scaleytoes, thumbass, alito, rubbers ..... oh, gosh, yes .... i know they're really gonna observe the rule of law and obey the law of the land ......

these poseurs .... oooh, states rights are so important! ooooh, the feds shouldn't intercede with the states' rights ..... eeeeeEEEEEEE .... that state just legalized marijuana: send in the national guard ..... eeeeeOOOOEEEEEEEeee ..... that state just legalized assisted suicide ...... BOMB 'EM! .... and that state wouldn't let people of color--or democrats--vote ..... don't see no problem there .... nope, 'snotta problem .....

years and years ago, when the world was young and green and noah was just whipping the animals onto the ark, i went to an exclusive, all-boys prep school in northeastern connecticut .... oh, it was an interesting place, but we summed the administration's attitude like this: if it's fun .... DON'T DO IT!

our little righties, our little republicans, our little bible biters .... they're like that, aren't they? the thought that someone, somewhere, is having a good time, and they're not making a penny off it or at least watching and getting hot and bothered, drives 'em crazy .....

last time i looked torture, preemptive warfare, spying, looting, and being an asshole were against the rule of law .....

the only principle these right wingers, these republicans have is, gimme da money .... where's da money ..... i wan' it .... i wan' da money ...... gimmeeee ..... WAN' it .... i WAN' it .......and i WANNIT ALL! ..... and YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY! ...... they're MY TOYS!

i wish i could write a better column .... but i don't have much to work with these days ..... and the feeling of heaviness is compounded by knowing that my sons'll be picking up the pieces, long after we're all gone ..... because we just sat around .....

and let it happen .....

next:: dr pete goes to disneyland

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

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