The Asses of Evil

here we are, one year after katrina wiped out new orleans ..... it's still fucked up there, you know? and that's not the only place it's fucked up: i heard that, like the "test your strength" concession at the fair, we've hit two thousand six hundred and something dead soldiers in eeeee-rack ..... they must be hearing the theme from "rocky" in washington: our government "officials" must take that to mean we're gettin' strong now -- those insane mass murderers plan their war on iran--oh, great guys ... let's do another fucking war .... i mean, look how successful the afghan campaign has been, and how we've handed the taliban their turbans .... and we sure have freedomized iraq, so ..... we're on a roll, you big doggies! let's just .... keep on keepin' on -- continue waving their shrivelled, flaccid members at the slack-jawed-with-admiration-by-god-how-fast-can-i-write-this-shit-down-without-gagging-on-last-night's-dinner press corpse, there's no humor in the (as the undead rumsfeld would have us think) "learn the lessons of history" because the history lessons this crew is learning is quite the antithesis of what you and i take out of history .....

now, you and i, learning the lessons of history, would think something like, "it really hurts when i put my dick into the mouth of an alligator that's not eaten for ..... mmmmmm ..... a month ....."

or we might think something like, "gee, when i pull my tit out of my blouse and put it underneath the wheel of a passing commuter train, it's not ..... it's not ..... comfortable ...."

we might think that sucking a tailpipe'd burn our lips .....

but these people .... these people .... they're not like you and me; the don't think like you and me, they don't have to pay the price of their actions or take the consequences of their behaviours like you and me: they're mind-numbing and jaw dropping in their incessant non-stop evil ......

they really are the asses of evil ...... they're the fucking energizer bunnies of evil .....

if they gave a fraction of the energy and attention to getting new orleans refugees out of tuna can trailers and into real homes that they give to abolishing inheritance taxes that will benefit four hundred of america's richest families, we'd see some rubber hittin' the road, wouldn't we?

oh, shit .... 'scuse me .... not 'sposed to call 'em "refugees," although i'm not sure what the currently government approved and christan sanctioned term for 'em might be: jiz stains on the cum rag of the bush dynasty? blood clots on the neocon tampon? buncha dumb n*****rs who got in the way of a hurricane which didn't do as much damage as the republican party's dismantling the infrastructure?

and the media just keeps pace with it all, sharp wits, sharpened pencils, indomnitable, perseverative, and ......

wish i could get paid that much for jerking off ......

i mean, i play music and all, which is about the same ..... but ..... i'm not making seven figures a year .... unless you count it in pennies .....

here's some good ones for you:

"while corporate profits have improved sharply in the last few years and the economy has become far more productive, the take-home pay of the typical worker has failed to keep up with inflation" .... so saith the new york times, on 8/28/06 ..... wouldn't that make you want to ask some questions? questions like, hey guys, why are "typical workers" taking it in the ass? and how fucking hard? but what i keep reading elsewhere, and what i keep hearing on the radio is just "corporate profits have improved sharply .... and the economy has become far more productive," the implication being that bush policies are just great and hey, let's pass some more tax cuts, and everything's just whizzbang beautiful .....

here's what paul krugkman (new york times 9/01/06) has to say: "The latest Census report on incomes, poverty and health insurance, released this week, shows that in 2005, four years into the economic expansion, the percentage of Americans with private insurance of any kind reached its lowest level since 1987. And Americans feel, again correctly, that benefits are worse than they used to be.

Why have workers done so badly in a rich nation that keeps getting richer? That���s a matter of dispute, although I believe there���s a large political component: what we see today is the result of a quarter-century of policies that have systematically reduced workers��� bargaining power."

today's not the day i go off on a toot about labor and how workers--yes, i said workers--the people who somehow don't spend all of their days at a spa, getting hydrolized wombat pancreas with a tibetan fungwort tea leaf infusion sprinkled on their peeholes--are being put over a barrel and getting roundly assfucked ......

some other time, perhaps?

here's another one for you: "winding his way through tattered towns in mississippi on his way (to new orleans), mr. bush spent the day demonstrating empathy and optimism, (emphasis added) touring rebuilt areas and meeting local officials and residents in his 13th trip to the area since the storm ..... "

please suck my dick, you bitch .... demonstrate empathy? optimism? what the fuck is wrong with you assholes? what are you taking? and where did they find "rebuilt areas?" in massachussetts?

a headline from the 8/30/06 new york times: Anne Kornblut explains how "the president struck an optimistic--and at times almost defiant--tone" ...... is that the same kind of defiance the new york times tells me iran is demonstrating, as iranians insist on using reactors that the united states sold the shah, to do that which israel, france, italy, great britain, germany, russia, and .... north korea ...... do?

wow .... "defiant" is usally the word used by media poundshits ... i mean, pundits .... who want to curry administration favor when they describe the actions of someone or something that, were we to do it would be self-evident and an immutable law of god, and our inalieanable right .......something like -- like iran "enriching uranium," or saddam hussein telling the court to go "suck his dick," even as we deny the domain of any courts over our murderous contractors in iraq, or over soldiers who might commit war .... i mean, "democratization" crimes agains humanity ......

i know that's not a coherent paragraph, but ..... pretend i'm your presiident .... cut me some fucking slack, won't you?

jeez, bush is a complex character, isn't he? in less than a day he's demonstrated empathy, like he did for carla faye tucker, the murderess he mocked and imitated as she pled for her life (he never presided over an execution he didn't like) or howabout the time he got down on his hands and knees and started "looking for the weapons of mass destruction .... no .... none here .... behind the curtains? mmmm-mmmm .... not here .... hey, ain't this funny? ain't ah a hoot? twenny fahv hundred daid 'merkan sojers? 'n' i cain't fahnd nuthin? y'all in the press just love that, doncha? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......."

were those fearless reporters laughing with his optimism? because those shameless sycohpants were laughing, and don't you forget that .....

on 8/31/06 the washington post tells me "Bush's Blunt Rhetoric Signals New Thrust ... President's team launches a campaign accusing his political foes of aiming to appease terrorists and cut off funding for troops on the battlefield. ..... " hey, don't get me wrong; i'm glad that aphasia now passes as "blunt rhetoric" (aphasia: a clinical condition, stemming from neurological and/or cognitive deficits or impairment (brain lesions) that impact the speech centers of the brain, making it difficult to form complex and complete sentences) ......(another headline tells me that "smokers getting more nicotine ..... study finds the amount has increased more than 30 percent in some brands from 1998 to 2004 ..... so much for the fucking war on drugs, you scumbag fucks ..... but .... i digress ....... )

jeeziz h. fuck, you cretinous wombats .... 'blunt rhetoric,' what does that mean? that this marionette is incapable of stringing five words together without a transponder on his back and someone pulling his strings? and where does the 'new thrust' come in? these fuckwads have been blaming everyone and everything for the outcomes of their corrupt incompetency forever .... hey, we all know that it was hillary clinton who flew those planes into the world trade centers, that fucking uppity lib'ral bitch 'n she's got fat legs 'n' small tits 'n' a big fuckin' mouth so you know the bitch is no fuckin' good ......

you know, george, i think it's reached the point where just being stupid and a puppet can no longer excuse you and what you do ..... it's time to 'fess up to being fucking evil; just tell everyone you're satan's little fuck elf .... and let's move on ......

next: dr. pete actually did play in new york but doesn't know if he'll ever get around to saying thank you to everyone and what a good time he had ......

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

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