Watch My Back In Ol' Virginny

i see that paul wolfowitz, the "father of the iraq occupation," has been having a little trouble at the world bank, where he went to "help the unfortunate" and "fight corruption ...." when i hear that he's the father of the invasion and occupation, i wonder--who the fuck is the mother? what kind of silly ho would spread for this scumsucking pig? oh .... kosher pig, for sure, but pig nonetheless ..... anyway, i know that he's doing a good job, just like he did over in eye-rak .... what better way to help poor people than by putting your punch on your payroll? bill clinton didn't, he was gettin' it for free, and look where that got him ...... that kind of republican integrity's always reassuring; just when you think that our politicos aren't quite up to the job, well .... you read about a man who puts it all on the line, gets his ho promoted, and just stands by his gal .....

and i wouldn't call her a "nappy headed ho," neither, 'cause her hair is straight .....

paul "shock and awe" wolfybitz, unleashing his heat seeking missile in the boudoir ..... i've seen pictures of both of them; the thought of them coupling, sweating, heaving, panting; thrusting, gasping, moaning; sucking, licking, nibbling; mounging, squooshing, poking and palping; gargling juices, swallowing and spitting ..... and tumbling into the rapture and paroxysms of ecstasy, well .....

it's not pretty ......

ooooo, riza ...... let's foreclose on tanzania and privatize their utilities .... uhn ohn ohnnn ooooooo ....... ooooo paul, you're just shocking and awing me with your hot monkey thrusts ....... stand by riza; i'm going to fire pink torpedo number one! ..... eeeeee, paul ...... i love the way you invade and occupy me! oooooooooooooooooooo! restructure my debt, you bad boy!

and nobody gives me a raise like you do, paul .........

speaking of not pretty, i'm devastated by reports of the lastest school shooting, this one in virginia ..... i don't know what this guy was using, but i'd sure like to ..... because it's way better than what i've got .... i mean, i know that i could take down fifteen or twenty students in a classroom, while pausing to reload, but .... jeeez ..... over thirty? i'm just not competitive on today's playing field or in today's classroom, and that's not a great feeling, not in this country, where we can shoot anyone, anytime, anywhere, as long as king george suggests we obey the law which, i guess, means looking both ways before putting it on full auto ..... i see he was a young man whose ethnic group is generally stereotyped as being bookish and over-achieving; i'm glad to see that they've finally acculturated to the values of this great country of ours and learned to shoot .... i started to write a song; "way down in old virginia/where you can feel the bullets go inya ......." i was working my way 'round to george bush prayin' fer ever'one, but then i had to change diapers ..... and the puke pail; it got full, mighty quick .....

mccain, that fecal smear, is right up front with "gee that's too bad about thirty-three more people out of thirty-three thousand a year who get shot to death in this country, but you know i support our second amendment rights to have weppuns and shoot ever'thang so vote for me murka hey god now less prey for the soles of the deerly deeparted" ...... what an asshole ..... gee, john: how could you miss such a photo op? why didn't you visit to offer condolences? along with the hundred troops, the kevlar body armor, and the four apache attack helicopters overhead; maybe you could have gotten some deals at the book store .......

bush did it too--condolences, platitudes, and nra slogans ..... hand out the ammunition 'n' the prayer book, we're number one, god loves us best, here's why our god luvs us bess why 'coz we killin' so many foke 'n' god's lonely he wants kumpany .......

i know that there will be investigations, but i think i can save us all the trouble by suggesting that we just outlaw schools .... if there aren't any schools then, sheee-it, there wouln't be no skool shootin's now, would theyre?

and then, when i heard that the gonzales hearings had been postponed, the thought came to me that maybe alberto gonzales orchestrated this whole thing because his handlers hadn't quite taught him how to say "i can't remember ..... i can't recall .... senator, i just don't know ..... but i'll find out .... and get back to you on that ......"

gee, dr. pete .... yore in a mood today; yore meds, ain't they wurkin' rite?

well, ritter glasshopple; there's nothing i can take that's strong enough to counteract the distaste a man feels when he comes in contact with the "media" and it's "content ...."

i'm going back to bed; my nap was interrupted ........

next: dr. pete hibernates

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

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