Dances With Wolfowitz

another down, but there's more to go ..... that fuckhead wolfowitz is out of the world bank .... gee, how did he ever end up there, after handling iraq so well? oh ..... george giveth, george taketh away ..... i'd started a whole editorial about what a slobbering cock holster wolfowitz is, but there's hardly any point, now that he's out ..... some pundits are commenting that "he got what he wanted .... he got cleared of wrongdoing ..... " but you know, if i were in the world bank, i'd say, here's your halo, you little bitch; take it .... take it ..... just get the fuck out of here ..... say what you want, believe what you need to, but ...... GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!

and it's not like people are deluded as to who or what wolfobitz is: a whiny, self-serving, egocentric, lying, narcissistic booger-biter who scoops poodle poop off the sidewalk and munches on it, like brown m&m's .......

still, there are some object lessons in asshole-ism 101 to be learned from wolfowitz, as witnessed by these epic quotations below, which i've culled from my favorite, the new york times .....

"Declaring that he had been "held up to public ridicule" and "caricatured as a 'boyfriend' who used his position of power to help his 'girlfriend,' " Mr. Wolfowitz said that "for the sake of the bank, and for your sake, this process has to be fair.""I implore each of you to be fair in making your decision, because your decision will not only affect my life, it will affect how this institution is viewed in the United States and the world," he said. This was an apparent reference to criticism of the bank among American conservatives and fears of Congress cutting off financing for the bank. [italics mine]

none of the new york times quotations note that wolfy actually said, "fuck with me and i'll fuck you ... i've got plenty on you to fuck you if you fuck with me ....."

always high class, these people .......

kind of like al pacino, in scarface, shrieking, "when joo fokkin' wi' me, joo fokkin' wi' de best!"

here's more: ""Mr. Wolfowitz was said to be adamant that he be cleared of wrongdoing before he resigned, according to people familiar with his thinking." [you just can't italicize this asshole enough, can you?]

yes, being a republican and an asswipe means never having to say you're sorry .... i'm familiar with his thinking; i worked with psychotic, retarded, drug-addled, neurologically impaired people for years, and i'm not referring just to hot tuna ........ for years i worked with narcissistic, delusional, vindictive, explosive, psychotic, devious, manipulative people, and those were just my supervisors and administrators .....

actually, i had a supervisor tell me once that "if yo' clients gon' respon' to ther'py, they gon' be too well to be yo' clients ...."

shit, that was reassuring, you know? all those years studying, and it'd just be like playing with jefferson airplane, all over again .....

but the point, dr. pete, the point is ...... there are no medications that'll impact republicans .....

riza--who always could get a rize outta paul--is quoted as saying "I simply do not know how to blow my own trumpet," she says." i'm sure she knew how to blow paul's, although that's a repugnificatin' thought .....

there was another article i read some place that said riza had a bad temper, and paul gave her all that money just so's she wouldn't get angry at him ..... paul 'pussy-whipped' wolfowitz, that's what it should read on his resume .......


Attorneys for Vice President Cheney and top White House officials told a federal judge today they cannot be held liable for anything they disclosed to reporters about covert CIA officer Valerie Plame or her husband, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV.

Attorneys for Cheney and the other officials said any conversations they had about Plame with each other and reporters were part of their normal job duties because they were discussing foreign policy and engaging in an appropriate "policy dispute." Cheney's attorney went farther, arguing that Cheney is legally akin to the president because of his unique government role, and has absolute immunity from any lawsuit.

they're beauties, aren't they? the rule of law ..... like i've said [in the doctor's dictionary] the "rule of law" means that those who rule are the law, and these fecal fingerpaints are no exception ..... my boys are two-and-a-half years old, but they know when they've done something wrong, and act accordingly: they head for the hills ..... now the new "rule of law" means, "fuck you, america ..... just fuck off, you little pissants ..... if you're fokkin' wi' me, joo fokkin' wi' de bes' ...... you be nize to me or i get mr. fredo here to take you out to da dumpsters ......"

it's hard to summon up the contempt these little lingam lickers really deserve, they're so ..... so ...... banal .........

jeez, did i wanna talk about music ......

next: dr. pete hibernates

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

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