Sleeping Through Life

i'll apologize in advance for a disjointed scattered dispirited chickenfeed commentary; i just got overwhelmed--not by the demands of young children or recording or bicycling long distances; i got overwhelmed by the non-stop barrage of bullshit that you'd think would have the hoi poloi running to the barricades, brandishing pitchforks and shit shovels ..... but no .... it's just business as usual in this great land of ours ...... i mean, these are just some of the turd sprinkles on the shit frosting of america's poo-poo cake of life:

co-payments soar for drugs with high prices that, oddly enough, are necessary to save or prolong life .... people can no longer .... ha ha .... afford essential medications .... that's today's insurance company .... why would they ever provide a service other than make unhinging profits by denying services?

retail chains are caught in a wave of bankruptcies .... long-established businesses fold under the weight of the credit crunch and the sub-prime meltdown ....

oklahoma has a bad record for foster care; where is there a decent fucking record? god, i started having flashbacks to my county mental health days, and my apocalyptic encounters with child protective services .....

mccain's budget plan is to not balance the budget but to provide more tax cuts .... jesus ....

"The drug maker Merck drafted dozens of research studies for a best-selling drug, then lined up prestigious doctors to put their names on the reports before publication, according to an article to be published Wednesday in a leading medical journal."

"Consumer groups say the housing relief bill is adding up to a bailout for big businesses, as automakers and airlines stand to gain billions of dollars in tax relief. Critics say the housing relief bill is adding up to a bailout for businesses, as the legislation includes billions of dollars in tax breaks for automakers and airlines."

a recent washington post had hollywood celeb gossip on the front page but, oddly enough, the word "iraq" did not appear on the front page ....

the supreme court rules that a "three drug protocol" to kill someone does not constitute "cruel and unusual punishment;" the supreme court's ruling coincides with a papal visit, with bush stating his unity with the papacy on abortion, stem cell research, and homosexuality ....

the pope visited, giving bush a chance to talk about life affirming values; life is replete with ironies, isn't it?..... is this the pope that was the concentration camp guard? or just hitler youth? lots of coverage about his stance on priestly "abuse ...." one abuse victim talked to the pope and said, "there's a cancer in your church, mr. pope .... and you've got to cut it out ...." he knelt down in front of the pope ...."the pope held out his hand to me .... i thought he was going to ask me to kiss his ring while i genuflected but ... he fumbled underneath his robes, and the next thing i knew, he was holding his penis in his hand .... he held my head with his other hand .... i couldn't believe what a grip he had for an old man! he forced my head toward his penis and .... and .... he kept calling out "oh jesus! oh jesus!" ..... and ....."

and here the interview ends .....

ha ha .... no .... just kidding, of course .... i'm sure their intentions are good .....

bill hicks said, "don't you just love some guy bouncing around in the popemobile? four feet of bulletproof glass? there's faith in action .... don't you feel that that's the real spokesperson for god?"

lots of negative coverage about that filthy osama i mean obama who was in elitist san francisco where they don't eat out of troughs and his horrifying comments about americans who cling to religion and guns after the factories have pulled out, their children have been slaughtered in illegal, immoral unilateral invasions of sovereign nations that pose no threat other than their reluctance to be anal submissive to major corporations which is something this country will never be; their pensions have evaporated; they've been evicted because they couldn't meet their mortgage payments but bankruptcy is no longer an option thanks to bankruptcy laws that were written by banking and credit card lobbyists; they can't afford medications and have no health coverage even though all their elected representives in congress and the senate are afforded superlative health coverage without cost in what one might almost .... ha ha .... think of as .... get this .... socialized medicine; and how dare that f*cking ni**er suggest that there are inequalities or any kind of dissatisfaction in this the best of all possible countries that g*d has ch*sen as h*s most personal favorite i wonder who g*d's putting money on to win the w*rld s*ries g*d definitely plays f*vorites j*s*s f*cking chr*st let me think is bush an elitist went to harvard his father sure was couldn't even tell you what a gallon of milk cost did you hear me shrieking when i paid $5.25 for a gallon yesterday? why don't we just drink fucking gasoline it'd be a whole lot cheaper i've got two boys and they drink a fuck of a lot of milk you know what that comes to every week i should just buy a fucking cow i've got enough space for it in my backyard does that make me an elitist? i could be a cowboy america reveres and idolizes people who are dirty, illiterate, bereft of social graces--george bush comes to mind and so does ronald reagan--and hip deep in the excreta of barnyard animals if they weren't indeed dick-deep in them .....

makes ya proud to be a murkin boy where's ya lapel pin?

the new jerk's climes reports that "military experts," former military personnel, promulgate pentagon pro-war and anti-life views on television networks, presented to the bovine populace as "experts ...." gee, that sure is a surprise, isn't it? i'm sure they're impartial and would never exhibit any kind of bias let alone get a woody when advocating undertaking military action or lobbying for more money above and beyond the sixty four percent of america's gross national product that the pentagon already gets, not to mention the black bag sources of funding that aren't reported or the unilateral illegal and immoral invasion of a sovereign nation that never posed any threat to us whatsoever the three trillion dollars that we're dropping there doesn't show up on any budget whatsoever although king george likes to ask for more money regularly can i have my allowance now i want more money i need lighter fluid so i can set fire to the cat and the democrats trip over their tiny little dicks how do they do that when their dicks are so small? to give him more money to kill people and that's why i like him meeting with the pope and affirming the values of morality and life and good stuff like that we now know even though you knew it a long time ago that rice and cheney and rumsfeldt and powell and tenet and ashcroft all got together and said let's torture people and they told george we want to torture people and george said "cool!" but that's not an issue for us the media wno't touch that and now we're worried about obama's bowling score can someone who's a shit bowler torture people i mean be commander in chief who better to discuss the values of torture with than the pope the church has a long and hallowed tradition of torturing people i bet we could learn a lot from them why don't we move everyone from gitmo over to the vatican and we'd be done with the whole fucking kit'n'kaboodle ....

why, now the new york times has a general telling us that "By about 2011 there is going to be some pretty good capacity in the Afghan National Army,” he said in an interview in the Kabul headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force.
“It will take them a few more years to get their air transport and air support platforms online, but they should be covering a lot of battle space by some time in 2011, in my view,” he said.
By then, barring any cataclysm, the countries contributing troops to the international force could look at whether such a large international force was still desirable, General McNeill said. “I think you begin to get to a juncture and say, ‘Probably not, maybe we should be starting to change the way this force works,’ ” he said.

you know, this all makes me tired .... by 2011 it'll have been what? ten years since we dropped into afghanistan to say hello? how long were the russians there? how much more success can a body stand, that's what i'm wondering .... i seriously can't stand to sit down and write this shit non-stop; the abominations are incessant, they keep coming in, you have to embrace irony so hard you can't even breathe and i finally came up with the answer to "how is it that the "media" betrays us by spreading a patina of horsehit and lies over or moribund faces of the glassy-eyed masses sleeping through life staring at the teevee" and the answer is .....

because they're incredibly corrupt ....

next: dr. pete lies down .....

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

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