Devil In A Blue Dress

shit, you think i'd be working on music, rather than writing more politically oriented blather ....

actually, i have been working on music; i've had the great pleasure of playing with bobby vega, bass player extraordinaire, in preparation for a few select shows .... gee, here's a guy who doesn't give a shit about playing the hot tuna song book: let's play your original stuff, that's what i'm interested in, he said ..... so we did, and it was brisk 'n' peppy .... if we go commercial, if we get to playing shows open to the public, you'll know .... meanwhile, michael and i will be playing a show on santa rosa's krsh .... it'll be 8:00 pm on thursday, december 14th .... i believe they podcast, and we'll all have a darn good time ....

however, right now i'm impelled to power-spray chunks of the turkey i roasted last night across my hardwood floor as i ponder the offensiveness, the barbaric savagery, and the general cretinous retardation of american politics ....

let me back up a moment and try and put it all in perspective .... why would i be surprised or outraged? it's what you'd expect from a fourth-rate, third-world country ....

gee, doctor, pete ... what are you talking about? are you making an invidious comparison between der homeland and some pathetic, posturing little scratch-a-meager-existence-out-of-the-barren-soil-my-cattle-at-least-the-ones-that-are-still-living-are-spavined-and-parasite-riddled country in some continent i dare not name lest i be accused of racism?

well, yes .... i am ..... let me tick off some of the criteria here: is there a huge disparity between a rich and powerful but miniscule elite and the masses? yes, there is ..... are we run by tinhorn, egomaniacal psychotic despots? yes, we are .... are our liberties abridged and critics of the administration subject to ridicule, abuse, excoriation, with the likelihood of their being disappeared? oh, yes, yes, yes .... are "elections" rigged in such a blatant, obvious, and contemptible fashion that foreign observers hold their noses in disgust? why, yes ... yes, they are .... is public health care non-existent and workplace safety a joke? why ... as i contemplate the spate of mine disasters, i'm compelled to say "yes" ..... are unions virtually outlawed? hmmmmm, why yes .... yes they are ..... does the media suck the chocolate lining off the butthairs of the power elite, sing them empty paeans of praise, and defecate on an emasculated opposition?

why, they most assuredly do .....

i'm sure i'm missing something, but i hope you get the idea .....

i'm repugnificated by this john kerry 'flap' ..... i don't know about "botched jokes ...." i was pretty excited when kerry said that he was sick and tired of republicans who'd never served in the military, attacking people who'd been in wars, all under the guise of "supporting the troops ...." gosh, i forgot all about irony .... i forgot all about swift boat veterans and max cleland and an awol president with an armadillo stuffed in his flight suit on an aircraft carrier in san diego harbor and i forgot how our press laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed (oh, i just heard the recordings of this again; yes, your fearless press just about wet themselves as they laughed) when that thing in the white house was down on its hands and knees, saying: nuh uh .... no way-puns here .... nope .... ain't no way-puns of mass dishtruckshun he-ere ..... unh uh .... cain't fahnd no way-puns he-ere ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......"

yeah ..... if you don't remember this, you should .....

yeah ..... it's fucking horrifying and grotesque .....

yeah .... i'll laugh and i'll bet you do each and every time you think about the bullshit lies these assholes kept telling and kept changing with the result of how many american dead right now and counting?

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....

now that's funny ......

oh, i could go on and remind you once more about how little george imitated karla faye tucker, whose death sentence he wouldn't commute: oooo ... ah don' wanna dah .... ah don' wanna dah .... ooooooooo ......sob sob sob .... ha ha ha ha ha ha ....." or tell you that fart jokes and cuttin' a few top his list of good fun ......

but it doesn't matter, does it? it's amazing: all the shit this thing's created and there's not a chawklit smear on'm .....

no .... what blows my fucking mind is how that whore hillary clinton had to jump in on this, open her mouth and say that kerry was at fault and he shouldna oughtta gone 'n' sayud thayut 'n' how wrong he was and how he oughtta apologize 'n' ......

yo .... bitch ...... if you gonna have your mouth open like that, why don't you just go and give little george a blow job?

and wear a blue dress, won't you?

i'm sick of chickenshit democrats who savage each other because they don't want to appear like democrats to republicans .....

or "swing voters ...."

and i'm sick of apologists for democrats saying, oh, if you want a party to march in lockstep, it's not the democrats ... why ... ha ha .... they're like ..... herding cats .....

we're beyond that .... if you dickheads don't understand the stakes that we're playing for which, the last time i looked, included the bill of rights and the constitution ..... and .... and .... and .... why don't you give the american people what they want? close to 70%'d like to see us get out of iraq; don't you think that, even in this bogus bullshit democracy, you ought to give 'em what they want, every now and then? to keep 'em coming back for more?

gee, hillary .... you've been tripping over your twat trying to "build bridges" to anti-abortionist women-hating doctor-killing fundamentalist fucks .... do you really need votes that bad? you're not even running ...... the very least you could do would be to support people in your party who stand for something, other than bending over and dropping their drawers for the right-wing-brown-shirt-jack-booted fucks who ought to be standing in the dock in the hague, on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity .....

instead of dancing around some kansas cornfield, having an auto-da-fe ......

now ......

let's see how quiet the democrats are when the election is stolen from us, once more .....

bleeaauugghghghhghhghaaawaughghghghaaawaughghghghghgh .......

next: dr. pete's liquid diet

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Scarlet says:

Most assuredly YES YES YES..........on everything.

Bill of Rights? Constitution? I thought those were gone already and the revised History books are being printed.

Hillary's open mouth?'s getting to the grandstanding time for 2008...why support a potential rival for "their" Presidency".

There's that saying that timing is everything in life....maybe if Hillary would have had her mouth open, wore a blue dress, and hung out more in The Oval Office........there would have been a Democrat as President in 2000. Not that it makes a difference, but much better then "that thing" that's been there since 2000.

But even better....

Submitted by Scarlet on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:36
Steven Schuster says:

"if you dickheads don't understand the stakes that we're playing for which, the last time i looked, included the bill of rights and the constitution ..."

Look again, it's a fait accompli- the stakes we're playing for are now---

our side possesses an almost full matchbook, them-all our clothes, the pink slips to the pickup, the mortgage on the shanty, our children's manumission papers, our hunting dog, and, the cat's meow. So thinking realistically we've already lost the farm, so "freedom is having nothing left to lose". The song lyric that corporate Republicans gift to the disenfranchised. Be more spirititual Petey (like me) and you'll see that starving under the underpass is only a discomfort to the unenlightened.

At this point, the bet of our matchbook against the rest of the material and moral property of the nation could gain us what? An agreement to have the goons use Perrier when "waterboarding", an agreement to not use nuclear power to charge the gonadal electrodes? The right to a map to the lime pits to find the remains of our soccer-stadiumed families?

P.S. Hillary really does suck.

Submitted by Steven Schuster on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:37
Ess says:

The only good thing about election time?

More editorials from you! Spot on, as always.....

Submitted by Ess on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:37

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