December 2007

Take A Deep Breath, Please

Dec 05, 2007 - Comments: 2

i've been absent of late ... the fact is, i can't think of what to write that would be even remotely humorous; in the continuing perpetual motion machine of republican depredations, idiocies, and lies; theft, corruption, and deceit; mass murder, mayhem, and thuggery, well .... it's about reduced me to shrieking, FUCK THEM THEY'RE LIARS AND MURDERERS AND PIGFUCKERS AND THEY ALL GO UNREPRIMANDED LET ALONE PUNISHED .....

so just cut and past that into a page for yourself, each and every day, and that'll spare me the onus of having to sit down and be creative ....

He's Back! .... And He's Tired!

Dec 09, 2007 - Comments: 2

many thanks to all who have written, offering their condolences ..... it's gracious and thoughtful and kind of you, plus .... it's seasonally and taxonomically appropriate: i've written in the past how animals understand death and honor the departed; i'd say that we are less separated from the animal kingdom than we'd like to think, and that's not such a bad thing ....

Torch 'R' Us

Dec 21, 2007 - Comments: 1

so .... what was it i was talking about last? torture? jeez .... just reading the fucking "news" is torture .... it's scattershot and scattered shit, but it's not really scattershit: it's focused and it fucks us and my outrage meter pegged and broke a long time ago ....

Flush With The Future

Dec 31, 2007 - Comments: 3

there's something about christmas that brings .....

plumbing crises .....

years ago i was preparing the usual big christmas dinner for my mother and others, and the kitchen sink got blocked; nothing would go down, not a thing, which left, well .... stuff ..... lots and lots of stuff, leering and winking and progressively stinking .... you don't even try to get repair people in on christmas; you just work with what you've got .... i don't remember what we did or didn't do with the sink, but whatever it was, we survived ....

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