March 2008

Call Me When It's Over

Mar 05, 2008 - Comments: 3

the republicraps have theyse'ves a candidate, pretty much in the tradition of republicrap candidates for the last too many years .... we've heard a lot about how "experience" is going to be important for our president .... i'm not sure what's meant by this: experience kissing corporate ass? following orders from halliburton? experience sucking up to the pharmaceutical or insurance lobbies?

The Shame Game

Mar 09, 2008 - Comments: 0

this is a shameful time in american history, and there's no shortage of shameful times ..... christ, we're only three months into the new year and we're peaking on shameful .... the media has reduced--and obama and clinton are complicit--the democratic presidential candidate's selection process to a cat fight, far beneath the dignity of a high school's student office campaign, although i'm not surprised that seventeen-year-old high school students are more dignified than our political candidates .....


Mar 14, 2008 - Comments: 2

have we had fun with elliot spitzer? boy, did that bring out the beast in people, or what? republicans and capitalist scumfucks feasted on schadenfreude, while others trotted out their little agendae, looking for a predetermined learning outcome in a moral fable .... for some it was the koan: why do the rich and powerful do stupid and dangerous things? for others it was to rehash prostitution as a perpetuation of female victimization, and on and on and on ....

Tibet? Or Not Tibet?

Mar 19, 2008 - Comments: 1

this is already a horrific week, it's only just begun, and i've got random scattered thoughts because i'm a random scattered kinda guy .... here are just a few .....

what can you say about the bear stearns bail-out? .... profit is privatized, failure is socialized ..... but being a republican means never having to say you're sorry ....

Mourning In America

Mar 25, 2008 - Comments: 0

i had the radio on this easter morning while i was fixing breakfast for the kids; i told them the easter rabbi was coming, and i was cooking up some bacon for him, when i actually heard what was on the radio .... did you hear me shrieking? did you have to duck when i flung it out the window? (N)ationally(P)retentious(R)egurgitation had two pieces juxtaposed that had me slack-jawed with disbelief, until i realized that ... ha ha .... i was in america, where good taste and common sense are scattered as sparsely as teeth in a platypus .....

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