March 2009

Sticky Wicket

Mar 09, 2009 - Comments: 0

oh, dear diary: what a week we've had! we have word of the destruction of 92 [more] cia tapes documenting cia torture ..... ooooo .... the cia dog ate the cia homework! bad doggie! bad doggie!

we have cheney admitting to having knowledge of and advocating "techniques" the civilized world has acknowledged to be torture for centuries, "techniques" that led to the prosecution and execution of japanese combatants, by the united states, for war crimes after world war II ....

AIG On Your Face

Mar 19, 2009 - Comments: 0

anniversaries are important and today's an anniverary that is really important although it seems to be slipping away unnoticed, what with all the enthusiasm americans are now showing for high finance, the level playing field of the free market, and the invisible hand of the free market, which is jammed so far up the american collective anus that two of its fingers are coming out america's collective noseholes ....

Listen Carefully Because Your Options Have Changed

Mar 25, 2009 - Comments: 1

pooty the wonder pony and i were hanging out the other day; we'd eaten some sugar cubes and pooty, being a magic pony and all, was getting ready to braid my mane, but we started talking about the thing that's on everybody's mind and .... no, not that thing, silly--you're being perseverative and obsessive; we started talking about the economic meltdown and why we just couldn't bring ourselves to use the "N" word--you know ....

Let Them Eat KaKa

Mar 30, 2009 - Comments: 1

so me 'n' pooty the magic pony was out in the pasture, just cropping the clover, when he suddenly started puking blood and i thought, ground glass in the sugar cubes? but pooty set me clear rilly fast; spain, said pooty, is investigating whether alberto gonzales, that cretinous toadfucking tool of george bush as .... ha ha .... attorney general .....

you know, it just is so hard to write editorials now; i started this one eight days a...
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 10:52
i started this back when there was that tiny little error in the gulf of mexico, when...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 11:56
i know i've said this before, but i'm finding it increasingly difficult to write anyt...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 11:54
honest to god, boys 'n' girls, we got more good news this week: death is america's bi...
Monday, February 22, 2010 - 10:52
Love your rants, I’ve been surprised to come across your site, with just a random search that started with the Leav...
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