Military Intelligence

here's the calibre and quality of our brave soldiers who are defending our freedoms, and it's a clear reflection of their leaders ..... the soldiers who are up for the rape and murder ot the fourteen-year-old iraqi girl and her family were on the stand yesterday .... one said that his partner held the girl's arms while he .... well, he thought he raped her, but he wasn't sure; he wasn't sure if he'd succeeded .... he was pretty sure the family was dead because his buddy came out with the ak and he was laughing, but ..... he wasn't sure about the rape ....

gee, am i missing something? when you get down to rapin', you oughtta know if you're doing it or not ..... what are they teaching our kids in school these days? it's kind of like, you ought to know if you've brought democracy to iraq or not .... most people know about rape: i came back to find the comments section of this site filled up with adds for rape videos and ringtones .... there it is, america .... you can watch rape videos while you get the hippest, latest, most "now" ringtone available .... gosh, i sure hope those new fab rape ringtones aren't infringing on any of brittany's royalties ......

bush is taking another vacation, and that's a good thing; the less we see or hear from him, the better off the world is .... but i was glad to note that he thought it was "hard work," doin' all that dipllematin' stuff, and our highly paid reporters tripped over their fucking dicks to report that: "bush thinks work is hard, goes on vacation" .... i know congress worked real hard this year, what with faggots wantin' ta burn flags and have different species sex and i don't know what else .... so they deserve their two months off and their pay raises, like they get every year, just like the pay raises for walmart workers, you know?

it's a cost of breathing increase ..... there's no cost of thinking, thank god, for we'd be fuckiing bankrupt .... wait a minute! we are bankrupt ....

james baker, another highly paid great political mind, said yesterday that we might "have to talk to our enemies ..." i'm glad this man makes all the money he does .... not only is he responsible for stopping the florida recount in 2000, he's still plugged into the formulation of foreign policy: "we might have to talk to our enemies ...." sit down and hold onto your hats, folks, here's diplomacy at its finest .....

but i'm still thinking about the rape thing ..... he didn't know if he was successful .... it's important to have goals, and it's important to have standards by which you can evaluate your performance, you know? you want to be able to say, "hey, bitch .... we rapin' now, ain't we!" "yo, mama .... let's get your rape on!"

military intelligence at its finest .....

i'd say, run this man for republican president .... bush is fucking the country and the world and he doesn't know it and .....

you get the picture .....

i'm getting a drink ......

and polishing up my tribute to hot tuna .....

next: dr. pete is off the road

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

"Wildman" Dave says:

Those same troops you are talking about with respect to the rapes, one of those guys said that his whole unit was depressed, either drinking or on drugs. Most of these guys left America bright eyed, bushy tailed and anxious. They are coming home in as bad of shape as some of the guys coming back from Vietnam. Last week here in Ohio, I spoke to one returning Iraq Vet and he told me his unit was part of the search patrol for Nick Berg. He said they all watched Berg's beheading on the Internet, but were told to STILL go find him. When they found him, the insurgents were kind enough to put Berg's head in a box next to his body. (Am sorry if anyone is offended here.) That's real classy, you know? Insurgents with manners. The kid that told me about this is only 24. He has to live with that image for the rest of his life. His wife, while he was away, filed for divorce, moved on with another guy, took their 2 kids and waited for him to come home. Within 1 day of being back here in Ohio, he had to sign divorce papers and come to terms with limited visitation of his kids. When he left, he had everything and came home to nothing. He was telling me, while he was over there, she got a copy of the Tom Cruise Born On The 4th of July flick and got freaked out because she felt this kid would have PTSD and be a raging lunatic, so that's why she ended the marriage, without talking to this kid first.
War is hell......

Submitted by "Wildman" Dave on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 12:35

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