Chicken Hawk, Chicken Shit

reports are appearing, stating that 650,000 iraqis have been liberated ... i mean, shuffled off their mortal coil; bought the farm; cashed in their chips; handed in their lunch pail; went to their higher rewards; are sitting at the left hand of god; eating smorgasbord with st. peter; partying down with those 72 virgins right now; are super-sizing worms; recycled back to the cosmic compost heap that gave birth to us all ..... not to mention the 2,743 american sojers and untold wounded, dismembered and otherwise "enhanced" persons we've got ourselves .....

hey, america .... how do you want your genocide? sunny side up?

don't forget, we're mass murdering in the name of freedom: the freedom of large corporations to make unhinging profits, the freedom for war profiteers to make unhinging profits .....

the bush family has been war profiteering for generations, going way back to prescott bush who sold war materiels to nazi germany, working up to the bush that facilitated the sales of biological weapons to saddam hussein .....

yes .... that bush .... and that saddam ......

one thing you can say about republicans is, they're the party of diversity .... they have two, two, two kinds of chickenhawks .... one kind is the kind that's never been in combat but trips over their own flaccid genitalia, creating situations for other folks to fight in .... it's like that old high school kick: "let's you 'n' him fight .... 'n' i'll sit over here, hustle the chicks .... 'n' watch .... hey ..... kick him in the nuts, now ....."

the second kind of chickenhawk is the kind that cruises the streets, picking up underage kids, soliciting youth for sex .....

i'm thinking it's time to update the republican logo: no more elephant in the living room, it'll be barnyard foul .... with the motto "clucking, sucking, 'n' fucking ...."

or "where there's chickens there's bound to be lots of chickenshit ...."

some of these jackbooted chickenshit assholes are saying that it's the "culture of tolerance" that had mark foley, a republican, wagging his dick at young boys .....

i'm thinking, and i know you are, too, we've just been too tolerant of late ..... yessirree, one thing i've noticed about republicans and christians is, how tolerant they are .....

republicans, in dealing with the failures of foreign policy, of pedophiles safeguarding our children; of getting their butts kicked in iraq, show the same kind of great and original thinking that had them getting us into deep doo-doo in the first place:

"it's clinton's fault ....."

yes, bill clinton personally killed three quarter of a million iraqis by playing the sexophone; helped the north koreans build a nukilar device; pulled the plug on new orlean's bathtub; made those troublesome young boys shake their exciting, lean, muscled, hardbodied teen thingies at mark foley .... and then he leaked .... yes he did .... bill leaked ..... when he wasn't gettin' trim in the oval orifice, he was leakin', leakin', leakin' .......

and all for political partisan gain!

"he was a bad ma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n ......... dirty ol' b-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-il cl-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-nt-o-o-o-o-o-o-n ......."

fortunately, dennis hastert--just like king george before him--has vowed to fire anyone who's done wrong .....

thank god the economy's boomin', so all the folks who'll be losin' their jobs can go right into the service industry, and continue providing this country with the kind of noble service they've been providin' us with fer years .....

sweet fuck .... do i have to go on? each and every day under these scumbags is a day that will live in infamy .... thieving, lying, inept, evil, greedy, ass-grabbing, satan's-cock-sucking, lying, evil .... did i already say lying and evil? i lose track, and you can't say it often enough with these corpsefuckers ......

don't even get me started on habeus corpus .....

which, for republicans, means: fuck the body .... or kill more people so we have more bodies .....

what are these fuckwads doing? franchising mortuaries?

it's hard to be clever, this early in the morning, before the coffee and the meds have kicked in .....

i wanted to give you some good news, or talk about music but ....... oh .... now i remember ......

i don't usually listen to my music, unless i'm working on it .... why would i? but i slipped "beyond help!" into my car's cd player and listened while driving out to play with starship in pittsburgh, california (alright, you fucking slacker californians .... where the fuck were you? there were people there from the east coast, but not one friend of mine showed up ..... does this mean i have no friends? or that they're too smart to ......)

anyway, i about wet myself ..... folks, "beyond help!" is really really really really really good ..... it's thematically relevant, lyrically brilliant, and features some of the most off-the-wall guitar playing i've ever done, and i've done some .....

it's prescient, too ..... in one part, while talking about the relevance, dedication, perspicacity (that's not underarm alarm, okay?), and selfless dedication of our press, it goes something like this: bush suggests investing in market .... market goes broke .... country bankrupt .... tom cruise has good looking wife ...."

and people said, no, pete .... tom cruise isn't married ..... he doesn't have a wife .....

and i said, fuck .... just fucking stick around ..... just stick around .....

nyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyahnyah nyah nyah nyah .... i toldja i toldja i toldja i toldja i toldja so ......

so .... what's the point, dr. pete .... what's the fucking point?

the point, my fine feathered friends is ...... if you don't have a copy of "beyond help!", you need to buy one ......

right now!

next: dr. pete says "i tolja so" again and again and again ......

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

Steven Schuster says:

Like "cleave", that wonderful word meaning, well, opposite things, how wonderous that "bush" can mean the most marvelous thing, or the most evil. Isn't language grand?

Submitted by Steven Schuster on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 11:01

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