Uncle Sam Wants You ...... Bitch .....

i thought that i'd not write for a while, but robin and i just returned from an out-of-town jaunt; that means that i catch up on all the wonderful things that have happened in my absence, and there were so many wonderful things happening in this great land of ours that, well ..... i just couldn't leave well enough alone .... not that i'll be saying anything i haven't said before, or that you haven't heard me say before, but ..... i'm a one-trick pony, even though i said that i'm a bicyclist, not a horse person .....

actually, we did get in some epic off-road riding, at wilder ranch, which is just north of santa cruz ..... wilder is truly wonderful: lots of singletrack, all bike legal, with big, booming views of the monterey bay when you gain altitude ..... you can almost see the elephant seals congregate at ano neuvo beach, just a few miles up the road, while the wilder singletrack has you swooping and zooming through coastal redwood groves with names like "enchanted forest" and "wild boar trail ...." it's just a superb place, and i can't think of a better way to spend my time before getting a new shoulder put in, and being laid up for months, than to go ripping through the redwood groves at wilder ....

speaking of wild bores, i see that lon cheney, our vice-president, just shot his quail hunting partner ..... i'm all for shooting quayle; it should have been done a long time ago .... couldn't he have done that with scalia? maybe he could go hunting with george .... i'd like to see lon clearing bush .... there's a parable for foreign policy, and energy policy, and all the other kind of policies the bush administration has implemented in its short but destructive time: scattershot, happenstance, short-sighted, inefficient, armed and dangerous .... these chickenshit chickenhawks, manifesting incompetence at all levels, in all ways, in all pursuits .... except corruption and thievery .... they just can't get in for the kill, can they .... although they sure like other people to do it for them ....

that's because they value life so much ......

speaking of the value of life and evil cocksuckers, the washington post tells me that "Women seeking an abortion in Indiana would be told that life begins at conception under a proposal that would give the state one of the furthest-reaching abortion consent laws in the country.

Only South Dakota has beginning-of-life language similar to Indiana's proposal, which would require women seeking an abortion to be informed in writing that "human life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm." [this is usually when the man says, gosh, honey, i meant to pull out .... but the phone startled me .... sorry .... gotta run, now .....]

The Indiana bill would require abortion providers to tell women that a fetus may be able to feel pain. Such notice is required in Arkansas, Georgia and Minnesota, but those states specify that it applies to fetuses at 20 weeks gestation or later, while Indiana's proposal does not specify a gestation period.

The proposal cleared the Republican-controlled House on a 70 to 30 vote Feb. 1; a committee of the GOP-led Senate is set to consider the bill this month.

State Rep. Tim Harris (R), the Indiana bill's House sponsor, said he did not intend to restrict abortion. "We in no way infringe on a woman's right to an abortion," he said. "That's still legal. That is still the law of the land." [and gosh darn it, those republicans, they sure do respect a law .... yessir, oh yessir, you bet they do .....]

Supporters say the bill would give women information they need. Dorothy Timbs of the National Right to Life Committee said many women seeking an abortion are told the fetus is nothing more than "a blob of tissue." [often this is what is left of a soldier after an iud .... i mean, an ied, goes off .... remember, now: support our troops!] She says women need to understand the consequences of an abortion for the fetus and themselves. [ladies, when and how did you get to be ..... so dumb? that you don't understand these things .... isn't being respected wonderful? .....]

"This is a decision that profoundly affects both forever and is irreversible," she said. "Women deserve this information. The more they have, the better off they are." [does she mean children? or information?]

Abortion-rights supporters say that is true only if the information is based in medical fact.

"We're seeing more and more informed consent laws passed that are politically motivated, with items in there trying to dissuade women from having abortions, rather than being politically neutral and giving women true risks and benefits," said Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation, the professional association of abortion providers in the United States and Canada."

well, i'm sure you've heard me say it before, how i worked in county mental health up in rural california .... part of my work was outreach, and you had to reach out because the communities were so scattered that i had to drive a motor home around the county ..... i travelled with a registered nurse and we could talk to adolescents about drugs and about alcohol and about birth control and all sorts of things .... except that .... we couldn't talk about them .....

you'd think if you'd want to find adolescents, you'd go to a high school .... but we couldn't, even though this was a county program, park on school properties .... because christians didn't want us talking about birth control .... groups of 'em had boarded the bus on numerous occasions, looking for anything pertaining to birth control; i hadn't been on board for that ..... i wonder, just wonder how, by the grace of god, i'd have dealt with that ....

i guess the point here is, lassen county had the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the state of california, although it was not a populous county .... and how many times did i, as a mandated reporter, have to chase down child protective services and the sheriff and the police because of child molestation .....

fortunately, the good folk up there were equal opportunity molesters: they fucked their sons and their daughters ......

so .... i'm confused ..... is this some of the kind of information a woman should get?

isn't it interesting, how much legislation affecting women is passed by .... men ..... odd, how much interference into a woman's life comes from .... a man ..... and why not? the thought of women, and the pussies that these women have, just drives them crazy .... one way or another they want to feel that they're controlling that pussy, that they've subjugated that pussy ..... one way or another, they want to be fucking with that pussy .... one way or another, they all just want to fuck you, and fuck with you .... makes 'em feel manly, i guess ..... yessir, men: experts on life .... they don't have to carry a baby to term, don't have to pass a bowling ball out the tip of their dick, and they don't have to breast feed; they don't have to take time off of--and flack for taking time off of--work .... all they really do is, because they value life so much, stage pre-emptive unilateral invasions of sovereign nations, or do some other fun kind of war stuff, because, well .... the best thing for a baby is, i guess, to grow up and become a dead soldier .....

yessirree bob, creatin' dead sodjers is a pretty life-valuin' thang, and the only thing more masculine and manly than any of our congresspersons or senators or our president is .... a dead soldier .....

still, i can't help but agree with dorothy timbs, of the national right to life committee, when she says that "this is a decision that profoundly affects both forever and is irreversible," and that "women deserve .... information .... the more they have, the better off they are ...."

i don't know about irreversible, bringing a kid into the world, i mean, because ..... you could always send 'em over to eye-raq ..... but still ..... i think you'd like to get information about health care, about child care, about day care; about who, if you're a single parent, will come in and help you out while you're recuperating and can't work .... i think you'd like to know that the government is ponying up bucks for supporting your child, and has infrastructure in place to insure that it will grow up healthy, in a world that treats it as something other than cannon fodder for the imperium ..... i think you'd like information that'd insure the child's father would provide child support, should that ratbag not be around ...... i think you'd like to know that your senator would come and help you wash shit ouf the baby's diapers, chase the rats out of your kitchen, and help rock the baby to sleep .....

and i'm so very tired of hearing pompous, supercilious, fat-faced greasy-haired dickwads implying that women have nothing better to do than have their uterus scraped, before they lay back on the couch, turn on oprah, and chorf down a box of chocolates .....

you can tell i'm tired and anxious about impending surgery ... this isn't a great editorial: it isn't funny, it isn't mordant, it isn't particularly witty .... it isn't trenchant, it isn't insightful, it isn't penetrating .... it's just the same old take on the same old incursions by scabrous scumbags and it's the best i can do because i'm tired of screaming, FUCK YOU, YOU SCUMBAGS! FUCK YOU! EAT THE BIBLE AND DIE, YOU ASS-SNIFFING FUCKS! and that's what i was doing, this whole week, listening to the radio and screaming, FUCK YOU ..... YOU LYING FUCKS .... FUCK YOU .....

that's the kind of intelligent discourse i developed at some of our nation's better schools .....

gosh, why do i read the "news?" it was a lovely, balmy spring day today .... the california coast was beautiful, as it usually is .... the days are getting longer and longer, and i had to prune all the roses; they were budding early .....

i should just take a lesson from the american sheeple:ignorance is bliss .....

well .... i hear the boys .... daniel is just about walking by himself, which is more than i can say for our president, and both of them are far more coherent than the senate and the congress put together .....

but that's not saying much; i have a bird bath in the front yard that's more coherent than the senate and the congress .....

gotta run ..... i wonder what it'll be like, not having an arm that just .... falls out of its socket?

i wonder ..... will i get my own talk show with my oxycontin?

next: dr. pete gets "enhanced ...."

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Ess Kargo says:

You're the best. I loved it. Every fucking word. I can't understand why there aren't more people screaming, FUCK YOU! The American Sheeple.

I'm only sorry the lawyer didn't get confused and shoot back. They were probably drunk off their asses. "My gun's bigger then yours." "No it isn't." BOOM! I believe it's the electric chair for shooting someone. Isn't that what those assholes believe?

The internet will be a much quieter place while you're recovering. You will be greatly missed.

The Kanga Street Irregulars await your return!


Submitted by Ess Kargo on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 14:03
Nick says:

Hang in there Doc! Remember there are a heap of us pulling for you. Do what you must to get well and forget about the rest of this troubled world for right now.


Submitted by Nick on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 14:04

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