Torch 'R' Us

so .... what was it i was talking about last? torture? jeez .... just reading the fucking "news" is torture .... it's scattershot and scattered shit, but it's not really scattershit: it's focused and it fucks us and my outrage meter pegged and broke a long time ago .... how does an intelligent person respond to bush saying--with as straight a face as that shar-pei-poop-eating prick is capable of; his expressions are as tormented and grotesque as his attempts at articulation--how proud he is that congress in their budjit din't vote to inkrees spendin' 'n' he got seventy billyun dollers fer his wars 'n' therrs no stringz attachd ..... to me that's a schizophrenogenic statement, but what the fuck do i know? i have the same kind of visceral response when i read that the new orlins shitty counsel authorized the demolition of public housing ... ha ha .... finally god got 'round to urbin renewl, thank you god, thank you god ....

in fact, i think it's marvellous that the city council voted unanimously to demolish 4500 units of public housing, many of which were untouched by flooding; i think it spectacular that the ensuing demonstrations, in which demonstrators were pounded and tasered by police, got absolutely no media coverage whatsoever--or at least, none as far as i could tell .... merry christmas, new orleans; y'all are illegal aliens now .... don't try crossin' the borders ..... and i'm talkin' 'bout the borders book stores that are gonna go up in the fancy new shoppin' malls adjoining those luxury condos that'll go up where you poor ol' darkies once lived .....

i see that the cia destroyed some tapes that they were told not to .... wasn't that kind of where i left off, because i had to go vomit intestinal blood into the diaper pail, last week? i see that our new atturny jinral, mikal mucousy, doesn't want enywun to investigate the cia because he's thinking about investigation and any other investigations might predjudis his investigaton and we surtinly dont wont anything prejudicial to a department of justis investigayshun you know their rilly good at investinn' i meen investigaytin 'n' i'm stil waitin' to know what happened to jfk way back when and if i liv until twentyeighty theyll tell me because we liv in a transpayrent sosiety and there are no sekrits kept from the sheeple and i rilly like investigating things its like when arnold schwarzynegger was running for guverner and there were all thees alligayshuns about how he abyewsed wimmin and he said that he'd investigate himself as soon as he was elected and i never red that he found out anything bad when he investigayted himself in fact i never red anything where he did investigayt himself did you and the cia is going to investigate itself about tayp destruckshun just like the military investigated itself about abu ghraib and found those seven nasty soljers who did bad things to theyr prisonurs boy that was sum investigayshun thank god no wun els was invawlved like rumsfeld or chaynee or bush and wusn't it like when boosh sed he'd investigayt anywun who might hav leeked infurmayshun to any payper about valerie playm the inquiring mind is a wonderful thing ....

and much too precious to waste .....

shit; the three-year-olds in my kids' preschool wouldn't believe a fucking word of any of that .....

then, of course, i could go on and on about whoreshit like "states rights," which means that states can roll back any laws that have been on the books for up to fifty years, laws that might let, well ..... knee-grows have their on drinking fountains, or go to schools, or that dirty ol' roe vee wade, boy there's your stare decisis for you, there's the rule of law but if any state like california wants to .... gasp! ..... pass legislation that would demand higher levels of fuel efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions than the much-touted energy bill that, after thirty fucking years, might bring fuel efficiency up to where the model t was lo, those many years ago, then .....

the epa--jesus! i think i'm going to hurt myself laughing! environmental! protection! .... oh, please! ... .ha ha .... ha ha .... agency ....

shuts them down .....

jeeeziz .... i don't know .... i listened to john conyers the other day--and thank you, john, you've successfully removed the burden of any respect i might ever have had for you--as you mouthed endless bullshit as to why you wouldn't authorize or instigate impeachment proceedings against cheney and/or bush .... i've listened to democrats express dismay and astonishment that michael mukasey isn't .... well .... impartial as they'd hoped he'd be as he continues to reinforce "executive privilege," and i think, what the fuck is it with you people? how can you even say that shit while you're tripping over your tiny little johnsons to grant immunity to the telecom giants that were illegally spying on all of us, long before 9/11?

my boys' just turned three, and they know a lying scumbag fuckpuppet when they see one; don't you think that someone who's spent the last forty years sucking fish dick in government should know a lying scumpig fuckbunny when they see and hear one?

because they look in the mirror each and every day?

you know, i could go on and on and on, but let's spare us all the onus of my posturing on my ivory soapbox: just go out and read naomi klein's "the shock doctrine;" that'll set you right up for the new year, and it'll explain everything i've known and i'm sure you do, too, but never researched in this kind of detail; it's helped me understand why there are so many of satan's little fuck elves, running around and being so busy on such a global scale; not one disaster left alone, not one corporation left without a tax break, and .....

i don't want to go on ..... it's not the season for it .....

i'd rather talk a little bit about music before i drift off to dreamland, where rudolph the red-nosed reindeer gets a sam missile up his butt, shot down by the air national guard, while santa's hauled off for "harsh" interrogation measures by blackwater employees, puffed up on steroids .... and oh please: spare me the sanctimony about steroids and baseball .... what is it with the football players: they just eat extra helpings of broccoli?

enough ..... i'd rather say that michael and i are playing really really really well, and that i'm looking forward to our show at the rancho nicasio on sunday, january 6th ...... it's an afternoon matinee, a decent hour, for a change .... we'll be playing our psycho-acoustic-electric-experience music: some things old, some things new, some things borrowed, and a few old blues ..... if you're around, why don't you come on out? it'll be an intimate show, the food and drinks are good, and it's a lovely drive ....

in the meantime, best wishes for the holiday season and the new year to come .....

this last one absolutely sucked fish dick ......

next: dr. pete changes his strings

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

Scarlett says:

"and thank you, john, you've successfully removed the burden of any respect i might ever have had for you--as you mouthed endless bullshit as to why you wouldn't authorize or instigate impeachment proceedings against cheney and/or bush"

Ditto for me. And to think that I dared to have a glimmer of belief and respect for him when he and a few others filed that lawsuit in a Federal Court "Conyers vs Bush".............then again that was before he became head of the House Judiciary Committee under the new Democratic controlled Congress................

"i've listened to democrats express dismay and astonishment that michael mukasey isn't .... well .... impartial as they'd hoped he'd be as he continues to reinforce "executive privilege," and i think, what the fuck is it with you people? how can you even say that shit while you're tripping over your tiny little johnsons to grant immunity to the telecom giants that were illegally spying on all of us, long before 9/11?"

I guess Dr.'ve been right all along
when you said "the Democrats are gonna fuck it up"....and "BUY PARTISAN" really does say it all....and mmmmmmmmmm, now I'm wondering if there is a country that would grant me political asylum ????

Submitted by Scarlett on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:19

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