Notes From An Echidna's Sphincter

so i'm at the supermarket checkout aisle, holding onto my two gallons of 1% milk for the boys ... what better way to meet america than to read the toilet paper racks: newsweek; time; star; wombat shit weekly; brain dead!; peeple; ovine digest; zombie digest! n-digest-ibble! extreme nuthin'! butt lint! hirschey skwirts! fun with feces! smegma life! prepuce journal! ..... and more ......

and there it was, the headline we've all been waiting for: paris' life in prison!

jeeziz h. fuck in an echidna's sphincter, i thought; this brainless skunt hasn't been in the slams for thirty-six hours and it's already her fucking life in prison .... i guess if you're that vapid, that genetically bland due to inbreeding, every moment is as eternity to a fruitfly, your cognitive equal, so in a way it makes sense ......

i guess it makes sense on a grander scale, as well ..... this preoccupation with the sociopathic defective scion of a wealthy family whose claim to fame is .... mmmm ..... that she had herself filmed while fucking? the parallel that comes to my overly tired mind is "sociopathic defective scion of a wealthy family, with no competencies, no skills, an abuser of drugs, alcohol, small animals, who can fuck up a wet dream with no thought--which is the status quo--and who's been known to say, while holding a restaurant menu, "reading bores me .... won't someone tell me what's on this?" and .....

i immediately think of george bush, who doesn't even ask what's on the intelligence menu, "bin laden determined to strike in the u.s." ......

because reading--and thinking--is so taxing ......

and who's been filmed, fucking us ....... and everyone else in the world ......

well ..... i could go on and on and on about the same old same old, but why would i? we've now reached new levels of buy partisanship, in which all pretense of an electoral mandate, vis a vis popular disapproval of unpopular imperial manouevres in the eternal pursuit of energy consortium profits, or the suborning of the .... ha ha .... excuse me .... ha ha ... the ..... ha ha ..... justice department ..... ha ha ...... have not even a marginal effect on the holy texas empEROR and his minions ......

hey, america: is this still the kind of hail-fellow-well-met-mass-murdering-jen-yoo-wine-good-ol'-boy-who-just-happens-to-be-richer'n-midas-although-ever'thang-he-touches-turn-to-sheeee-it-y'all wanna have a djen-yew-wahn-lo-carb-lo-cal-no-flavor-beer wif?

'cos if'n he touch yore glayus it gonna turn to sheee-it too?

so ........

my boys are now two-and-a-half, tip the scales at 32 pounds a pop, and are both evil twins ..... no .... ha ha ..... they're good boys .......

kalevi is lanky and tall, while daniel is .... mmmmm ..... not necessarily lumpy, but rounded and more ..... mmmmmm ...... dense ...... they are now quite gregarious, quite chatty, and quite engaging, and it goes without saying that they are far more interesting to listen to than anyone in government or the "media ....." today, as we returned home from our evening walk, kalevi held on to my hand as we walked up the hill towards home ...... it was very nice ..... and this week daniel kept saying, "daddy .... look ..... daddy ...... look ...... daddy ..... looooook!"

this shit can drive you crazy really fast ......

no .... ha ha ..... it's rilllly cute ......

meanwhile, my studio is nearing the completion of its refurbishment ..... that's where you put fur all over the bishment, only i live in a single level ranch house, and there ain't no bishment, and there ain't no attic, neither; just a crawl space ..... ha ha ......

i am seriously excited about this ..... the most exciting thing is the room treatment we just did yesterday, sound diffusors behind the console, rippling panelling on the walls, and bass traps in the corners .... i still don't know what to do with the basses when they've been trapped: do i turn them loose, late at night, in the neighbors yard? do i let them roam freely on my property? would free range basses have prevented the fucking deer from coming in last night and smorgasbording up my roses?

it's waiting for answers like this that get me out of bed, each and every morning ......

last week ruthann friedmann carlysle, who wrote "windy" and with whom i rocked out as "petrus" for a&m records, did some recordings up here ...... i think they're great recordings of a great talent, and i'm doing production touches on them now ..... no, no guitar; she plays much too well for my noodling, but i'm very excited about working with her again, and thrilled with how good it all sounds ...... stay tuned; you'll know when it's done .......

next: dr. pete is funny papi ........

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Maureen says:

Steve struck a chord. The fleeting era called childhood is gone in a nanosecond and suddenly you're on one coast and your child is all grown up and on the other coast and visits are once a year. Whether they're 2 or 42....they're are babies til the end. Maybe with Father's Day upon us(thank you Hallmark....) I'm feeling more than a little...well....uh.....weepy over lost opportunities not only with my own father....but those lost between my son and his father.

Is it too early for a nice tall Vodka Tonic?

Dad...I'm doin' the best I can. Are you watching?

M. Anne

Submitted by Maureen on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:45
Steve shaw says:

You have to wonder at the folks who worry about the likes of Paris Hilton and her legal problems, I mean, if she were living somewhere in a single wide trailer and drove while "intoxicated' and then did the rest of her transgressions, then she would not have gotten the least of notice in the press. One can only hope that she does not reproduce. As for your twins, hug them daily, no make that hourly for us dads who live apart from their children. You are a very talented and lucky man Sir, may your life continue to be blessed....graybeard

Submitted by Steve shaw on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:45
Ess Kargo says:

Kalevi & Daniel are WAY more interesting to talk to then most people I know. "Bee, bee,'nother bee!"

Kiss the boys for me.

and...... free the basses!

Submitted by Ess Kargo on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:46

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