Recent comments

Petey, I wish I could share your optimism. Steven
10 years 6 months ago
Man, that is soooo righteously true on all counts, from politics to sugar and bovine amerikons. Is there a pattern here? Best wishes for the holiday, and much-o heath and happiness to you and your family. Keep up the good work.
10 years 6 months ago
Basically, my humble opinion of the Bush administration is that they could not distinguish between Shit and shinola.......I have determined long, long ago that my opinion even at the polling place dont mean shit, let alone to EITHER POLITICAL PARTY.......Needless to say....I dont trust em. Politicians are so like the song by cream. Back near Chicago where I am from, we have a saying......"Freinds come and go, Enemies accumulate." Not saying that it is right,,,,probably not, but politicians are so alike flys....they eat shit and bother people.....that is my opinion sir.....too bad we do not have a third fourth, fifth, sixth etc party to choose from. We had a news anchor who was a pit bull among men out CHICAGO Illinois, Walter Jacobsen...SP??? He was an ultra honest man who did not mind stepping in some shit to get to a story......Too bad he is not around as best I know, to read "W" the riot act...those of you near Chi Town, lemme know....maybe he tarred and feathered the goofy bastard...
10 years 6 months ago
"most people probably don't give this much thought but .... flushing the toilet doesn't carry the doodoo far away from the house; the shit moves a couple of inches, the next flush carries it a little further, the next a little further, until it finally makes its way to the main drain ... the electoral process is like flushing shit down the toilet; just one election, just one flush, and the shit doesn't go very far at all; you've got to flush and keep on flushing before you get a clean, new bunch into office ...." Perfect analogy.....but makes it all the more depressing because the Nov.,2006 election flush didn't even move it an inch, if it even moved it at all. At that rate, Americans are gonna be flushing for years past this generation.....that is if there still is a United States of America to flush for.
10 years 6 months ago
"and thank you, john, you've successfully removed the burden of any respect i might ever have had for you--as you mouthed endless bullshit as to why you wouldn't authorize or instigate impeachment proceedings against cheney and/or bush" Ditto for me. And to think that I dared to have a glimmer of belief and respect for him when he and a few others filed that lawsuit in a Federal Court "Conyers vs Bush".............then again that was before he became head of the House Judiciary Committee under the new Democratic controlled Congress................ "i've listened to democrats express dismay and astonishment that michael mukasey isn't .... well .... impartial as they'd hoped he'd be as he continues to reinforce "executive privilege," and i think, what the fuck is it with you people? how can you even say that shit while you're tripping over your tiny little johnsons to grant immunity to the telecom giants that were illegally spying on all of us, long before 9/11?" I guess Dr.'ve been right all along when you said "the Democrats are gonna fuck it up"....and "BUY PARTISAN" really does say it all....and mmmmmmmmmm, now I'm wondering if there is a country that would grant me political asylum ????
10 years 6 months ago
The Brothers Karamazov, chapter 5, "The Grand Inquisitor". Reread this, and you will see that your "asshole" Republicans are really looking out for your own best interests, and saving you from the painful indecisions freedom forces on you. Get with the program.
10 years 6 months ago


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Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 11:56
i know i've said this before, but i'm finding it increasingly difficult to write anyt...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 11:54
honest to god, boys 'n' girls, we got more good news this week: death is america's bi...
Monday, February 22, 2010 - 10:52
Love your rants, I’ve been surprised to come across your site, with just a random search that started with the Leav...
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