
Dr. Peter's Only Farts Club Band

Aug 27, 2007 - Comments: 1

i don't watch tv or follow sports, so i don't know about and could give less than a shit about whoever it is that was (no .... hey .... i know it was michael vicks, quarterback for the atlanta falcons who, as he was being sentenced, sniffled "i need to grow up ..... i'd like to hear our politicians say that, but i'd like to see them busted first) just busted for running dog fights and killing dogs that didn't perform up to snuff .... ha ha .... snuff ..... snuff ..... oh, magic words of snuff snuff snuffles, make me throw up all my truffles .....

Back In Black .... And Blue

Aug 21, 2007 - Comments: 5

so .... i'm back ..... back from my bicycle vacation, back in black-and-blue ....

The Bridge On The River Why

Aug 06, 2007 - Comments: 0

every now and then i indulge in a total fantasy world, one in which the "main stream llib'ral media" comes out of the closet and does it just like the nashinul inkwirer, and we'd see the knee jerk times with headlines like "dems to bush: fuck you, bitch!"

Genuinely Artificial

Jul 29, 2007 - Comments: 4

so there we we're, back east in rural areas that see some farming and some lovely black, rich soil .... we're not talking agribidness, the ten corporations that control eighty percent of what you see in your supermarket now, but real farms with real people doing real people things growing real people crops and then .... and then i'm not sure what happens .... i'd go to produce stands only to find produce from california, from chile, with very little of it coming from the adjacent fields; what did show up wasn't cheap ....

Summer Bummer

Jul 20, 2007 - Comments: 2

we're actually back from the east coast .... we came back late on a saturday, after a twenty hour coast-to-coast death march .....

Take Two and Shut The Fuck Up

Jun 27, 2007 - Comments: 3

dear diary:

let's be quick and dirty .... i see where psychiatrists are making a shitload of money from pharmaceutical manufacturers to push drugs ..... gosh, that shocks me ..... doctors? suborned by commercial interests? dancing like little fuckpuppets to the tune of the pharmaceutical industry? gee ........ when arthritis pain was first starting to push me around the bend and make me whimper so high that only the neighborhood dogs could hear me i'd go to doctors and i could tell that what they were seeing was "a long haired musician, with tattoos, asking for drugs ...."

Who Cares?

Jun 16, 2007 - Comments: 2

it's an interesting time we live in, but then .... i guess it always has been ..... still, there's a point out there somewhere that i'd like to make and, being as disorganized and circumlocuitous and fragmented as i am these days, bear with me: it may take me a while ......

Notes From An Echidna's Sphincter

Jun 12, 2007 - Comments: 3

so i'm at the supermarket checkout aisle, holding onto my two gallons of 1% milk for the boys ... what better way to meet america than to read the toilet paper racks: newsweek; time; star; wombat shit weekly; brain dead!; peeple; ovine digest; zombie digest! n-digest-ibble! extreme nuthin'! butt lint! hirschey skwirts! fun with feces! smegma life! prepuce journal! ..... and more ......

and there it was, the headline we've all been waiting for: paris' life in prison!

Fish Stories

Jun 07, 2007 - Comments: 1

i don't think i'm going to last two more years of electoral frenzy; it's like the hoopla announcing a new product, something like an "extreme razor" or an "extreme tampon" or a "new improved glycerine suppository ......" advertising and television make razor blades "extreme;" hey, america, let's do some reality shaving! let's mop up some virtual menstrual blood! let's .... let's ..... let's ....

mostly i think of the current crop of wannabes as "extreme assholes" who are "extremely stupid" .....


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i started this back when there was that tiny little error in the gulf of mexico, when...
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Love your rants, I’ve been surprised to come across your site, with just a random search that started with the Leav...
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