Fish Stories

i don't think i'm going to last two more years of electoral frenzy; it's like the hoopla announcing a new product, something like an "extreme razor" or an "extreme tampon" or a "new improved glycerine suppository ......" advertising and television make razor blades "extreme;" hey, america, let's do some reality shaving! let's mop up some virtual menstrual blood! let's .... let's ..... let's ....

mostly i think of the current crop of wannabes as "extreme assholes" who are "extremely stupid" .....

i'm spared a lot of this shit because i don't have a television; if i did i still think that i'd rather hunker down in the bathtub and eat my flesh rather than subject myself to the kind of moronic exploration of ersatz "issues ....." what did republicans do the other night? i'm told they talked about god and how much they loved god and how much god loved them and who loved god more; i didn't know god was running for president .... whatever .... god's not getting my vote ..... god's made such a fucking mess of everything to date, nor does god show signs of having any kind of intelligent designs to get us out of the messes h/she has made ......

speaking of fish stories, last week we took the boys to the monterey bay aquarium ..... they loved it; what's not to love? i go crazy for it, and wish i were diving again .... they recognized sharks (tiburon! tiburon!) and started screeching at the sea turtles ('tuga! 'tuga!) ..... they loved the otters, too; who doesn't? but what had me goggling with amazement was the ocean sunfish (mola mola; ..... when this fish swam into view a whole other world swam into ken, and i thought, holy fuck! a world with hummingbirds and ocean sunfish and wombats and republicans .... it shows no sense of intelligence whatsoever, but it does show a certain sense of irony and whimsy .....)

i'd much rather watch the mola mola, all fifteen hundred pounds of it, wobble around a large tank than read the new york times or the wall street journal ...... or listen to yet another aspiring republican asshole claim the mantle of god's eternal and unquestioning love while picking up red hot pincers to "get tough" on "terrorists" who have never had legal charges brought, who were probably herding goats or growing poppies with AID money when they got picked up in a sweep or sold to the cia by a pissed-off neighbor ......

it makes you wonder, doesn't it ..... rudy "phantom of the opera" drooley-annie says shit like, the best way to raise money is by cutting taxes ..... i .... i ..... i can't even dignify this buffoon with a crash course in economics ..... i think god was enron's bookkeeper, and look what happened .....

i think we'll move on to more sanguine topics ......

i'll be playing with michael lindner on august 4th at the larkspur dinner theater, in larkspur, california ( .... i know this is an early call, but i wanted to actually talk about music ....

for a change .....

in addition, i'll be making select appearances on the east coast in july; stay tuned .......

next: dr. pete changes strings ......

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

Tony Stewart says:

Hey Pete,
Thanks for the fish. That mola mola is one I have never encountered. What an impressive number that is. Any thoughts on a rare Kangaroo offering? Man I loved the old Kangaroo. The bonus tracks are great too. Solitary and Unsatisfactory Sex keep me tuned and rockin. I've gotta get some guitar lessons. I am trying to make a transition from piano to guitar. Anyway all politics aside, thanks for the fish.
Tony Stewart

Submitted by Tony Stewart on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:44

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