Sour Notes

i'm tired .... i'm tired of the imperium and its storm troopers ..... i'm tired of a corrupt and shameless media that disseminates misinformation as compelling and as relevant as archie comix, with the glib superficiality of a deodorant commercial .... i'm tired of feeling like i'm living in 1938 germany; that's not wind chimes you hear .... that's the sound of breaking glass .... i'm tired of watching civil liberties and the constitution and human decency being rolled up like a cheap carpet .... and i no longer have coherent thoughts although, more likely, i never did ..... so i thought i'd just throw out random observations and disjointed musings, the disturbed but idle chitter of an attention deficit disordered wombat, irritable and unable to find mullygrubs in the dark .....

if i didn't get random here i'd have to talk about our supreem kort, wouldn't i? and if i had to talk about that, i'd have to comment on how the fix is in, now that chex 'n' balances are little more than a sugar coated breakfast cereal to keep kids hyperactive and defocused, and how inept and pathetically diffuse--our perhaps "purchased" is a better term'--the democratic party is ..... and i don't want to do that .... it's so hard to get blood out of the dining room rug after i spew my guts out .....

-- if you've got dsl, you must check out this website .... ...... it's a photo from the hubbel explorer, and you need dsl because it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ..... it just goes on forever .... if you've seen earl morris' "a short history of time" you've heard stephen hawking say that, if we understand certain things (which i clearly don't understand, because i've forgotten what it was we needed to understand" we'd, he said, understand the mind of god ..... well, go to this site and you'll see the face of god .... and i guess i wonder, why would any self-respecting deity, with all that to play in and keep an eye on, ever spend any time on a dirtball plant like this one, especially with dirtbags like republicans, or christians, or muslims, or anyone, who think they're so favored, on it ....

-- i've got to stay away from supermarkets .... time magazine has been suspect forever, but has now blatantly crossed over to the legions of the soulless, the shallow, and the damned, with a cover entitled "the secret agony of martin luther king, jr." ..... what the fuck is this? i thought only the national enquirer front-paged the secret agonies of people who are dead and can't sue ..... and why is everything in a tabloid "shocking?" what's really shocking is not the secret agony of the network stars, or the young and idiotic whose names i don't know and could care less about: it's how fucking stupid americans are ..... that's what's shocking .....

-- i just read that detroit is bringing back muscle cars .... did i miss something, or was gas not just three bucks a gallon? good thinking, america; remember when hippies were chastized for not being "in touch with reality?" i used to drive muscle cars: i had fuel-inefficient, overpowered vehicles that had hundreds of angry horsies and sucked down benzina to the tune of eight miles or less to the gallon, and i liked 'em a lot, but ..... that was then ..... and this is now ....i've been looking at new cars the last couple of weeks, and it's been a challenge, finding one that'll really get thirty or more miles to the gallon .... shit, i have a twenty-year-old honda that gets thirty miles to the gallon .....

-- fun with language: hey .... if something hasn't been born, if it's unborn ...... how can it die? do i need to elaborate on this?

-- okay, i can't leave it alone ..... i'm no great legal scholar, but ..... more supreme court hearings ineptly handled by logrolling democrats .... i've said it before, i'll say it again ...... alito sucks ..... he's a whore .... he'll have you girls back in chastity belts with a spycam up your box before you can say, "golly gee winnikins, what ever happened to the civil rights we worked so hard to get and enjoy?" here's why i say this .... i say this simply because .... because .... george bush appointed him ......

it isn't that bush has an agenda; it's that he's the devil's jiz stain and satan's spawn whose every thought and action is focused on destroying life as we know and love it on this planet ..... he has never appointed a qualified person to any position .... unless by qualified you mean, at the risk of mixing metaphors, "total whore, scumbag, rat-felcher and butt-huffing feeb ...." plus, he's a republican, from the party that's given us "rule-of-law" attorney generals like edwin meese; john mitchell; john ashcroft; alberto gonzales .... intellectual giant vice presidents like spiro agnew, gerald ford, and dan quayle .... leaders of integrity and honor like richard nixon, ronald reagan, george bush, and king george the third ..... wars like vietnam and iraq ..... scandals like iran-contra .....

boy, they sure esteem the american sheeple, don't they?

and who got impeached? and for what?

gosh, i just love how alito's introductory speech was about his parents ..... oh, they were hard working, god-fearin' furners who come over here and got theyselves a edjimacation .... that's my primary consideration for supreme court qualificaitons: did dad go to school? did mom? and you know what else is really really really really important?

religion is important .... it's important that our judges be religious and answerable to a higher power, even though that higher power is george bush ....

i don't know about you all, but i remember when kennedy was running for president .... lord a mercy! didn't the republicans just go to town on that: they were shrieking in the streets: he's a catholic! he'll be responsible to the pope! he'll take orders from the vatican! and now, if you don't at least say you go to church five times a day, sanction witch burning, and the inquisition, then .....

you're clearly beyond redemption ..... and not fit for secular office .....

-- speaking of butt-huffing feebs, what is it with the american sheeple? king george the third could assfuck small children on fox news, rip out and bar-b-que their organs, then use their ribcages for clearing brush .... and be exalted ...... there's something to be said for party unity .... but this is way beyond party unity; seeing republicans leaping, with the choreographed precision of alvin ailey, to their feet for standing ovations is like watching the furry tide of lemmings hitting their glide pattern off a cliff .... the problem is, they're dragging the country over the cliff with them ..... "just following orders" didn't work too well at the nuremburg trials ..... and "we didn't know about the camps" wasn't really convincing, either .....

-- "support the troops .... support the troops ...." do you know what that means? .... i'd think it'd mean, first, don't send 'em off to defend corporate interests in an illegal, immoral, and murderous misapplication of non-existent foreign policy .... second, i'd think it'd mean bring 'em out of harm's way by bringing them home as quickly as possible .... if i were sitting out in 120 degree heat, dodging sniper fire, and trying to get sand out of my crack, i don't think i'd feel supported by some asshole with a fucking magnetic ribbon on a vehicle getting about ten miles to the gallon; i'd say, yo .... bitch! you want to suppport me? pass me the fucking ammo .... mix me a cold drink ..... or bring me home .... NOW!

i'd be wrong, though .... here's what (from the associated press) "support the troops" means: "the Pentagon's top personnel official shocked veterans when he said the government was spending too much on benefits for Americans who had served in the military. He suggested that the money was better spent on bullets and bombs. "The amounts have gotten to the point where they are hurtful," David Chu, the Pentagon's undersecretary for personnel and readiness, said of veterans' benefits on Jan. 25, 2005, according to the Wall Street Journal. "They are taking away from the nation's ability to defend itself."

boy, that sure got some major coverage, didn't it?

that helps me understand the culchur of life, too ......

it reminds me of the falangists, in the spanish civil war, who razed towns while screaming, "viva la muerta! viva la muerta!"

must be a christian thing ..... what do you think?

next: dr. pete finds his ritalin suppository ......

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

"Wildman" Dave says:

Nice one, here, Doc...

Earlier today it was announced that Ohio has another Republican stepping down over the Abramoff mess. They are falling like dominos and the Ohio media may run out of ink with all the press it's getting...unbelievable.

I heard a radio show the other day where some guy said this country is going back to the 40s or 50s with an upgraded twist. He cited the conformity of society using the internet with the same mentality that 50s teenagers hung out at soda shops..ah-hem. He went on to say that their will be another counter-culture explosion with young people speaking their minds!

Deja Vu, there Doc? History repeating itself? It seems to me there may be a 21st Century Woodstock & Monterey Pop coming, only this time CIAGRETTES will be the #1 drug the cops hassle for. My, how times have changed...haven't they??

Submitted by "Wildman" Dave on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 14:05

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