War Shit and Whore Shit

war, war, war, war, war ..... we're busy little ratfuckers; we're always fighting something or someone .... price wars, gas wars, star wars; product wars, market wars, war on fat, war on cholesterol, war on carbs .... there's a war on crime which criminals keep on winning ...... we're up to our ears in wars, and all these wars, these open ended wars, the ones that never have an end unless they're bringing no profit to war profiteers, well ..... it's just war shit and whore shit and horse shit .....

the republicans have streamlined the process: underpinning their agendae and their programs and their politics, they've just declared war on people .....

back in the days of lyndon baines johnson, along with the war in veetnam, there was the war on poverty .... well, here are some of the immortal words from my anthematic song, "you don't care:"

"poverty kicked our ass a long time ago .... it's more of the same, more of the same ....."

yes, the richest, most powerful nation in the history of the world tossed in the towel, emphatically defeated by poor people .... yessirree bob, we done cut 'n' run from poverty, just like that republican avatar ronald reagan "cut and ran" from lebanon, just like king george the second "cut and ran" from saudi arabia, defering to osama yo mama's dictum that there be no united states bases on holy (saudi) soil ..... but you can dig it: you can't make a profit fighting poverty because poor people don't have any money, and who gives a shit about them anyway? about the only social legislation that's happened since poverty was declared the victor was that being poor was made illegal .... thanks to the banking industry writing legislation, it's almost impossible to declare bankruptcy and get out from under major contributors to the republican party who charge 32% interest on your credit card balance, and countless single mothers have been removed from welfare rolls: they've been encouraged by republicans who are chronically divorced and divorcing (like those paragons of virtue, henry hyde and newtie gingrich), who cheat on their wives and fuck their constituency ..... to get married ....

because being married makes you virtuous .... and someone else's responsibilty ..... and people aren't a priority, not with the republicans and the bush boys in charge ......

the war on drugs, now: that's a little different .... that's been going on for over thirty years, and it's still being "fought"; why, it's been so successful that these days you can hardly get drugs in schools or prisons any more ..... actually, it makes you think that, if people who are whacked out on drugs can fight us to a standstill, what are our chances against well-armed, well-trained, highly motivated jihadists who won't even drink?

not too fucking good, i'd say; not too fucking good .....

no, the war on drugs is still going on because it's so profitable and it's such a good excuse for the cops to kick your door down and take your house away from you ..... plus, our corporations are making billions, manufacturing the durable goods that we give to the columbians so they can bomb their farmers, or spray their coffee crop with agent orange .... the fat republican bankers who launder the drug money, they're in hog heaven, and they donate to the republican party, so i don't think the war on drugs'll be over, not in the near future, not in my lifetime .... and the cia's counted on the drug trade for decades, from their flying heroin out of the iron triangle on air america planes in the 60s and 70s to selling and protecting cocaine dealers to finance their illegal republican war in nicaragua, even as they were selling arms to iran ......

now, if we really wanted to win a war on drugs, or if we were really concerned about health hazards from drugs, we'd declare war on tobacco and alcohol ..... but i don't think that will happen, do you? i don't think we'll have the national guard spraying defoliants on the hops fields, or storming the coors brewing company ...... and i see that the damage suits, awarded against the tobacco companies, have just been dropped ......

i sure do love the rule of law, don't you? our courts are worth much, not when going up against corporations these days .....

now i know what you're thinking ..... you're thinking, gee, dr. pete ...... what about the war on terror? jeez, you should know what a belly-up-to-the trough get your good times on hand job this one is ..... when a pig farm in indiana gets more money than a world-class city like new orleans, well ..... it just tells you where our priorities are: republicans have always favored pigs over people, because they're so closely related .... they roll in shit, they squeal for their slops, and they're filthy cocksuckers ....

which really reflects badly on pigs, who are quite personable, and quite intelligent ....

no, children ..... the "whore on terror" is an open-ended boondoggle that's really a war on civil liberties, on the constitution, and on what little dignity the american people have left ..... every depredation, every theft, every lie, every incursion, every corrupt, evil, vicious, ignorant, underhanded manoeuvre will be presented as part of the whore, and in the interest of national security ..... it's appalling, it's horrifying, it's repugnificating, it's beneath contempt, and the media is complicit in its premise, so it's pretty much a fait accompli .....

and it's easier to pass repressive, regressive legislation than it is to undo it ...... that shit has a tendency to stick around, like dog shit on the soles of your nice new shoes, its permeating stench a constant reminder of how you've been soiled, used up, and abused .....

america on line "news" tells me that shithead mcfuck, the cretin in residence, has had a "bounce in the polls ...." why don't you just blow me, you shit licking toadies .... what, that cretinous scumbag is up from his watershed 29% approval rating?

the "media" keeps finding people who, in the wake of the "bottled water can kill you so all you sophisticates who won't drink out of a drinking fountain'll have to put down your nifty little designer sport bottles and oh, by the way? that starbucks you've got? the one that rang the death knell for all the little mom 'n' pop nice coffee houses where you could drink really good coffee and look at paintings or photos done by people who were local to the community until some soulless heartless ass fucking corporation came along and shot them in the back of the head and introduced a bunch of fucking drinks that make no sense at all and you can't even get a fucking double espresso from your "barrista" any more because the bitch doesn't know what you're talking about because it isn't a frappe or splooge-o-chino or a spiritual nepalese tea infusion with yak ejaculate and herbal dungberries .....

and now you can't take it on the plane .....

i don't know about profiling for potential tourrishts, but .... the last time i looked, it wasn't grandmothers with knitting needless that were chucking bombs ..... it wasn't nine-year-old boy scouts; it wasn't a harassed mother, herding her children on board while trying to keep them well behaved ..... it wasn't that girl with red hair and tattoos and it wasn't her boyfriend, even though he has dreadlocks ......

it's kind of like frogs and hot water ..... if you drop a frog into boiling water he'll bounce right out, but if you start him in the pot, and bring up the heat slowly, he'll just sit there ..... until it's time for your frog's legs dinner .....

and so it is with the american sheeple ..... they might complain if they were chucked straight into the concentration camp ...... but if you take away their nail clippers, tap their phones, open their mail, take away their bottled water and tell them they're safer for it, they go ...... well ...... ga-hork ...... shore we are ...... 'n' it's the least we kin do fer our kuntry ......

you know, the press keeps reporting interviews with good americans who will line up to go to the gas chambers once they've been resettled in the camps, who say, eeeeeee, it's inconvenient, but i don't mind because i'm dumber'n a bag of fucking hammers and gosh it's much better that my civil rights are abrogated and highly trained personnel look up my butt with red hot tongs in search of dangerous items like the bill of rights or the constitution ...... or they say things like, it's a small price to pay for safety ..... gee, it's so much safer being jammed behind barbed wire, wearing these nice striped pajamas, with other reeking, rotting sheep than to .... to ..... to .....

to say to the person in that fucking oval office, hey DICKHEAD! BLOW ME! EAT MY FUCKING SHORTS! F-U-C-K Y-O-U=!-!-!-!-!-!

when i was travelling to and from the east coast i had a metal shoulder that'd ring all the alarms; a guitar in hand; a bad fucking attitude; tattoos; long hair ..... the hallmarks of a terrorist, you know? now, at one time the people sniffing your feet'd be officious and brusque and peremptory and strutting self-righteous cockerels who'd fuck you over because they could and you couldn't do anything about it ...... but not this time around ..... the poor people stuck with this onerous task were apologetic, helpful, mannerly, ashamed, and ...... they all said, this is shit, this is stupid, this is a waste of fucking time and energy ..... this is ..... absurd and preposterous .....

while all the travellers with whom i spoke said, oh, fuck ..... what a hand job ..... what a fucking joke ......

the "media" didn't talk to me .... they didn't talk to 100% of the people that i spoke with ......

does this mean that they're not telling it like it is?

next: dr. pete may actually talk about music

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Maureen Valley says:

Huh?? NO NO...if you change your writing, Peter, I'll assume you've had a 'Jack Nicholson' frontal lobotomy ala 'Cuckoo's Nest'. Then one of us will have to rip a sink out of the floor....throw it through a window and run for our lives in the woods with the sounds of a wailing saw in the background.

The sky in my world today is tangerine tinged with puce....what color is yours?

Coloratura Soprano in the Choir

Submitted by Maureen Valley on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 12:36
Steven Schuster says:


If you could learn to break out of the prim and proper restraints of polite convention, I think you'd be better able to express how YOU REALLY FEEL.

The Choir

Submitted by Steven Schuster on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 12:36

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