Gobble This

geez .... i got through thanksgiving with good friends, good food, and some epic bike rides in forty degree weather, with the rain slashing horizontally .... there's no such thing as too cold or too wet, only inadequate clothing ..... plus, i've been loaded to the tits on turkey tryptophan, and with all these good feelings ....

i find that i'm still in america ....

shit ..... what happened?

i've been accused, vis a vis my annual thanksgiving editorializing, of being "too sentimental" or something like that .... it's not just my new anti-depressants; i happen to like thanksgiving and, thanks to forty-five years of brief therapy, can finally experience a full range of affect which, as a result of all those republicans and christians and corporations fucking around, generally devolves to power booting intestinal and duodenal blood across the parquetry ......

assholes and fuckbubbles just thrive in this country, and these butthuffing crotch snorters are no exception:

DENVER Nov 26, 2006 (AP)--A homeowners association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan.

Some residents who have complained have children serving in Iraq, said Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs. He said some residents have also believed it was a symbol of Satan. Three or four residents complained, he said.

well, sheee-it fahr, lee-roy ...... ah shore don' wan' no peace stuff happ'nin' 'round chrismuss tahm ..... boy howdy, that shore would prevert the messidge of jeeziz our lord from gittin' herd .....

what are these assholes worried about? did fast food franchises and gas stations stop hiring doorknobs? oh, god! if peace breaks out, watch out for the unemployment! all the "children" will be on freeway on-ramps: "will kill for food ....."

and i like the way ol' bob kearns says that some of the complainers have "children serving in iraq" ....." sounds like those armies of eight-year-olds african warlords put together .... you know, the ones that are being tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity ..... maybe one day america'll be as civilized as africa, and we'll be having our own war crimes trials for our warlords .....

but hey ..... i have a rich fantasy life, you know?

one thing i was really thankful for was that i wasn't in iraq .... i was really thankful that my children weren't in iraq ..... if i had children i wouldn't want them being shot at, but then ..... i'm in no hurry for them to sit at the lord's right hand, singing his praises .....

because he's such a narcissistic sociopathic fuck ...... and i don't want my children hanging around creepoids like that .....

everyone's got their panties in a bundle about "morality ....." it's just like the military, getting all sanctimonious and holy about "gays in the military ...." like i could really give a shit, but ..... last time i looked the military was levelling towns, torturing poor fucks they rounded up on the streets, shooting civilians, raping fourteen year old girls, and then wasting the family .... oh .... we don't want any gays over here .... because they just don't get with rapin' fourteen year old girls ..... liberatin' them from their virginity ......

'n' then their life ......

i've just read that americans are disconnected from "the war in iraq ...." gee, i don't know: all you media pundits who just never seem to get it right but still get paid the big bucks to bloviate like a pufferfish getting a hot lead enema: do the results of this recent election strike you as "disconnect?" where republican whoremongers got thrown out? because americans said, enough now; fuck the bring 'em on .... it's time to bring 'em home ......

i know people--myself included--that knew years ago the administration was lying, fixing intelligence, manufacturing causi belli, and being the stupid pigpokers and feces garglers they were then, are now, and always will be .... and what happened? our demonstrations, letters, e-mails, campaigns, movements, proposals, arguments, and presentations were trivialized, ignored, and mocked, while we were castigated, demonized, and denounced ....

so listen up, jerkoff: i've got your fucking disconnect, right here .... come and get it .....

the colossal nerve of these cocksuckers .... our policy now is to marginalize iraqis because they're not "stepping up to the plate ...." well, prick suck, last time i looked iraqis didn't play baseball, so spare me the fucking sports metaphors .... that's our national pasttime, just like imposing sanctions on the regime of our former asset, saddam hussein, was--through three different administrations ...... we sanctioned medical supplies, so half a million children died from easily preventable diseases in a twelve-year period ..... then we invaded their country--twice--leaving depleted uranium everywhere but ..... it probably prevents tooth decay, so they should be grateful; too bad they don't have clean running water to brush their fucking teeth with .... then we bombed the shit out of them, stood by while everything was looted, disbanded their security forces, left piles of armaments unguarded which, oddly enough, disappeared, didn't fix any infrastructure like hospitals, power plants, schools, water treatment facilities, garbage treatment facilities, you fucking name it, stand by while civil war kills more people than saddam ever aspired to killing--and that includes the famous massacre of the kurds that king george the first fomented by promising the kurds weapons and support if they were to overthrow saddam, before he said, "just kiddin', rughaids .... jus' kiddin' ....." see more people die in baghdad alone, every month, than died in 9/11, interfere with their elections because we never really like who gets elected in free elections, and then .... and then ..... and then .....

and then we say, you fucking booger eating sand niggers, you just can't do anything, can you? why don't you get it together and enjoy your freedoms?

because we're not going to be here forever .... pay no attention to those nineteen permanent bases we've installed .....

like i said .... i was thankful i wasn't in iraq .... or denver .... or new orleans ..... or anyplace other than where i was ..... this thanksgiving .....

how 'bout you?

next: dr. pete has actual musical announcements!

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Scarlet says:

MMMMMMMMM....19 permanent military bases built in Iraq? My first thought of the Iraqi invasion was "ah ha that's what it's all about; much better to have a land base then a bunch of aircraft carriers floating around"....but 19????
Boy they've sure been busy. Now Dr. Pete, my question to you is this:
With the $385 million allocated in Jan 2006 to build "holding camps" on U.S. soil.....do you think these holding camps will have equitable amenities to the 19 Military bases built in Iraq?

Submitted by Scarlet on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:56
Ess Kargo says:

I too had a nice thanksgiving surrounded by good friends. I too have plenty to be thankful for, but I tell you Doc., living in this country is NOT one of those things. Good friends, my health, food, shelter are all things that deserve more then a moment or two of my contemplating.

I read that "peace wreath" article 5 mins. before I read this editorial and my first thought was.... I'm tired of living in this bizzaro world where everything that is good is perceived as bad. I'm tired of the ignorance that surrounds me. I'm tired of celebrities being front page news for farting. I'm tired of public servants unloading their guns into unarmed brothers. I'm tired of the savagery that has become completely acceptable to the majority of people in this country!! It makes me sick.

That doesn't make me any less thankful for what I have but it sure makes it more difficult to get up in the morning.

I'm going back into my shell now. Thanks for the editorials. I'm thankful for those as well....

Submitted by Ess Kargo on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 10:56

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