Dogs In The Street

i was away for a while; did i miss anything?

mmmm ...... democrats are authorizing subpoenas? how did this happen? subpoenas for rove? for miers? for the bushie crew? is this stem cell research growing backbones?

i see that the justice department interfered with the prosecution of the tobacco companies, throwing the case against these drug peddling mass murderers into the refuse heap .... gee, why would they do that? i mean, isn't our government there to help us? and it makes you wonder: did o.j. contribute to the republican party? and did karl rove tamper with the o.j. jurors?

it's interesting, eight federal prosecutors are "fired" and that prompts a firestorm ...... four years and trillions of missing dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives later and we're still pecking away at eye-raq, with the official mantra being "just give us a little more time .... it's gonna work .... it's gotta work ....... "

i'm thinking their timeline is, keep the looting going on as long as they can, then start scampering away, like roaches on the linoleum when the kitchen light comes on, 'round about election time, 2008 ......

all the ones that'll die between now and then, well ..... i'm sure they'll be grateful that their sackerfice wasn't in vein .......

on the other hand, i'm thinkin' "mission accomplished ....." gas is about $3.40 a gallon out here now .....

i guess it's important to have values ..... and a sense of perspective ..... as well as a sense of humor ......

you need one to get through these troubled times ......

is tony snow really the father of anna nicole's child?

our fearless leader has kindly offered to let his minions "testify ...." that'd be without transcripts, not sworn in, in the safeway parking lot at midnight, back by the dumpsters; you'd recognize rove, he'd have the large brown paper bag over his head to guarantee anonymity ..... asking more than that'd be a "political fishing expedition ......" gee, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we, whitewater?

but i'm sure they'd tell the truth ..... why, scooter was just an aberration, wasn't he? and j. steven griles, "The former No. 2 official in the Interior Department today will admit lying to the Senate about his relationship with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who succeeded in gaining the official's intervention at the agency for his Indian tribal clients. J. Steven Griles agreed to plead guilty to a felony for testifying falsely before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on Nov. 2, 2005, and during an earlier deposition with panel investigators." but that's only what the new york times says, and we know how .... mmmm .... lib'ral they are, so we can't believe they're telling the truth now, can we?

i see that al gore was up on capitol hill, talking about globule warming ..... let's spare ourselves a close look at the "questions" posed by the psychotic and perseverative james inhofe of oklahoma, and think about the kind pf press coverage we continue to get .... i'm talkin' 'bout the washington post's coverage, which focused on gore's weight, his hair, and its styling, as well as his clothing and its colors ..... you know, they did this for years back when gore was a presidential candidate, didn't they? our media just loved to dish on gore, didn't they? i figure that, if i gave a shit about political style and fashion, which always struck me as oxymoronic, i'd read gentleman's quarterly ..... or esquire .....

but i don't ..... so i don't ........

i don't even know why i read the new york times and the washington post ....

i've had some .... mmmmm .... constructive criticism of late about my language ...... i'm told that calling bush a "psychotic feces-smearing dung-eating retard who copulates with mongrels in the streets" while liberally interspersing my scintillant analyses with "fuck" and "wombat turds" and "rat vomit" mitigates the cogency of my arguments and is contraindicated by my intelligence .... well, if i were to ever call bush a "psychotic feces-smearing dung-eating retard who copulates with mongrels in the streets" then i'd only do it in jest, for fear of harming the feelings of all the good folk who smear feces, eat dung, and bone barkers on the boulevards ..... besides, i don't even want to be doing this stuff ..... it's only out of frustration from your not buying my records ...... if you'd keep me on the road, touring, playing, and selling t-shirts and dr. pete bobblehead dolls then i wouldn't have to sit at home, hunched over this fucking keyboard, aggravating my arthritic shoulders, writing stuff that nobody reads, fewer care about, that has the efficacy and immediacy of george bush explaining ..... well ...... you name it ......

next: dr. pete reads his thesaurus

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


"Wildman" Dave says:

Doc, I too am interested in a PK Bobble Head, you may really have something there!!


Submitted by "Wildman" Dave on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 13:51
Ess says:

When can I purchase the Peter K. "barking dog" bobble head? Looking forward to placing that on my mantle next to my Anna Nicole bobble head!

Submitted by Ess on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 13:51
Markb says:

god, i love your rants...still you hold back so much...greg should still be here to fuel you and vise-versa...

Submitted by Markb on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 13:51

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