the "hell" word

it's not that i've taken a sabbatical; i just had to take some time to deliberate over something i obviously need to say ... and what i've got to say isn't going to be easy .... because it's become so apparent to me that i've been, well .... it's really difficult for me to say this, but .... i clearly haven't been doing something right, my statements haven't been clear .... somehow, in some way, i've erred .... recent communications from readers have disturbed me because .... well .... because .....

what do i mean? well, i'm referring to my editorials ..... there's something about them that, as i think about what i've written through the years, troubles me greatly ....

i guess you want me to be specific, to stop .... well ..... the shilly-shallying and hemming and hawing and the hoo-ing and ha-ing and just say it, dr. pete, like .... what's the fucking point?

well .... the point is, clearly i've been misguided and i've been doing something wrong, and i'll tell you how i know it, because i have incontrovertible proof of it .... and i'l cite the evidence ....

first, someone recently wrote to me at my myspace page and said that he'd heard i "played christian music ...."

fucking christ, could you hear me fucking shrieking? i wrote and told him i'd rather eat my flesh and rim my butt with a broken bottle than even think about "christian music," as if something like that could ever exist in a world where our president is the pre-eminent sucker of satan's cock ....

and then someone wrote and told me that i was "misguided" and that it would really be great if we could just get together so he could point out "the error of my ways" and that that "imbecile president," when history wuz ritten, would be the wun hoo had "saved Western Civilization" and ....

and then i realized that .... there are assholes out there who THINK I'M A FUCKING LIBERAL! like, after spending years working with fetal alcohol syndrome clients, with crack baby schizophrenics, with neurologically hammered bipolor NOS clients, who all make more sense than fucking george bush does, i really would give a fuck about what these fuckheads think? like i'd really want to .... oooooo ..... have a fucking dialogue? eeeeee ..... build bridges? ...... aaaaaaaaaaaa ........ reach ..... non-partisan concensus?

just fucking blow me ....

where have i gone wrong, dear sweet god ..... where have i gone so wrong that SOMEBODY THINKS I'M A FUCKING LIBERAL!

i have never .... never .... FUCKING NEVER .... been SO INSULTED IN MY FUCKING LIFE!

fortunately, compassionate conservatism and tuff-talkin'-hip-shootin'-shit-smearin'-diplomessy is still workin' fer us .... thanks to that pinhead cretin who'll save Western Civilization (mohatma ghandi, when asked what he thought of western civilization, replied: "i think it would be a good idea ...." i think it'd be a good idea, too .... i'm not sure which part of Western Civilization we should save first: the genocidal part? the colonial part? the imperial part? the corporate-cock-sucking part?) excuse my digression let me pick up the thread: that pinhead fuck, he's dee-sided to veto legislashun that'd inshure childrun for theyr helth because any child what gets sik does so becoz hees a commernist or a homersessal or both so they dont need no inshurans and those bold democrats have decided to retroactively pardon any telecommunications company that brok the lawz and turned over records to our spying government because that's what freedom is all about, the freedom of corporations to be unbeholden to any court of law and the government under republicans to do what it wants to the citizens of this grate kuntry because war is big bisness and weer not in bizness to go out of bidness and weer a soverain nashun because we would never let the turkeys tell us what to do in congress or in the senate so we would never say the word "genocide" about the millyun and a haf armeenians who were slottered back in 1914 hey thayt was a long tayum ago why donchew get over it and if we called anyone genocidal then maybe someone would take a look at what we done did to those injuns ha ha ha here's your wild west you fucking savages and the chinese communists thank god we're still fiting kommyewnism it's not the comyewnists who are putting led paynt in childruns toys it's the chinese capitalists we like them they buy our cars and so when they say not to talk to the dolly llama well who are we going to listen to just because you're holding all our payper and our bonds 'n stuff doesn't meen you can tell us what to do weer white peeple and weer krischuns and i i think you know the answer to that and it all makes me proud to be an american because i feel like shooting peeple maybe i should joyn blackwater and then i could shoot anyone anytime anywhere and i could get paid for it and know that i was protecting peeple who were important peeople and defending our freedoms which is too shoot anyone anywhere any fucking time and get paid lots of money for it ee-rock is the reel wild west i love this country and its freedoms ....

because i'm not a fucking liberal, okay?

fuck .....

no wonder i don't write shit any more ..... somehow people think i play christian music, as if there ever might be such a thing; we all know the devil's got the best sounds going .... and somehow people think i'm a liberal and give a fuck about how they want to insult my intelligence and abuse my sensibilities with their psychotic fucking delusions ..... and don't call me out for not wanting to "dialogue ...." pretend i'm one of your authoritarian father-figure idols, just like that pinhead fuck in the white house who has assiduously ignored the majority of american citizens who want an end to the american occupation of iraq; who ignores his "allies" who want an end to the american occupation of iraq; who ignores the majority of citizens who'd like to insure their children, who is not so much a pathological liar as a puppet with a corporate hand up his ass so he can mouth froth-words like "terror" and "nine-'leven" and "tuff" and "make desiszhuns" while his corporate masters go about their plundering .....

and they call this leadership ......

now can i shoot some heroin? just to take the edge off?

next: dr. pete has actually been playing good music lately and he might even tell you about it ..... just don't call him a liberal .....

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

Bob McPherson says:

After seeing the last democratic debate where the hot topic was that Dennis saw a UFO I have to say that there was a reason I felt down today. So I read your last posting and it was like drinking a glass of fine wine. There are those who get it. Even though you were active in the Democratic Party I think that anyone who labels themselves as Republican, a Democrat or a Christian is wearing a uniform and their dialogue is their buying of the bullshit. The current state of the Democratic Party reminds me of the Monty Python movie Life Of Brian. The liberals are always sitting around talking and never do anything.
Remember, all change starts with a single person with a single idea. Keep on writing my friend.

Submitted by Bob McPherson on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:30

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