He's Back! .... And He's Tired!

many thanks to all who have written, offering their condolences ..... it's gracious and thoughtful and kind of you, plus .... it's seasonally and taxonomically appropriate: i've written in the past how animals understand death and honor the departed; i'd say that we are less separated from the animal kingdom than we'd like to think, and that's not such a bad thing ....

honoring others of our species separates us from republicans .... clearly they are creatures without honor that fall outside the human/animal categories, and we can only construe their existence on the planet as some kind of alien blight, an extraterrestrial virus that's filtered down through the atmosphere to suck out our brains and stretch our buttholes with their depredations and incursions .... this "black-is-white-the-sky-is-red" insistence that they are moral beings who embody the "culture of life" is so absurd that i can no longer shriek "HA! fuck YOU you lying FUCKS burn in HELL demon SPAWN eat hot molten FUCK and DIE!" when i read about them denying health care to children even as they give more tax breaks to billionaires and more subsidies to multinational conglomerates and oil companies who are, of course, their true constituency and who hold their only and sole allegiance .....

the patent nonsense about whether or not the united states tortures people, let alone what constitutes torture, is as incongruous as a quadriplegic hippo dressed in a pink tutu going en pointe: please .... this is something no one needs to see: we shouldn't even need to talk about it, and please don't even try to fuck with my similes by construing this as selling the "otherly abled" short .... the fact is the united states has been torturing people for centuries, and i'm not referring to the kind of psychophysiological distress that precipitates the decompensation one experiences while listening to bush trying to pronounce "nuclear," let alone string two coherent thoughts together before they derail totally, in a cognitive train wreck of catastrophic proportions ....

the cia has long subsidized the kind of bizarre experiments nazi "doctors" once did, only instead of putting people in ice water to see how long it would take them to die, the cia's pet psychologists would administer massive dosives of psychotomimetics, or leave people in sensory deprived environments for weeks on end, and i won't even begin to talk about their liberal administration of electric shocks: this was started in the 50s and has become the cornerstone of residential stays in gauntanamo, abu ghraib, and the numerous "black sites" your tax dollars have paid for, dotted around the world .... why, we're so good at torturing people that we teach death squad leaders how to do it, providing them with scholarships to the school of the americas, now euphemistically called the "western hemisphere institute for security cooperation," in fort benning, georgia .... the dirty wars in south america, the dirty wars in central america, and corrupt and repressive regimes around the world have been bought and paid for by the cia, with your tax dollars ....

it makes me proud to be an american, part the culture of life ....

i remember when anecdotal accounts of the cia and their "experiments" with lsd, pcp, et al surfaced in the counterculture world of the sixties .... gosh, we'd say; wouldn't that be great! the government would stone us .... but it wasn't like that at all, it wasn't fun, it wasn't trippy, and it wasn't groovy: it was as brutal and as sadistic and as bizarre as anything out of heironymous bosch via tomas torquemada, and it was underwritten by the good citizens of omaha and des moines and lansing and baton rouge and biloxi, their tax dollars at work, building a better world for tomorrow ....

tomorrow is here today: now the cia, repository of honor and selfless service to american corporations around the world, says that it's destroyed videotapes of .... mmmmm ..... "severe interrogations," but i know their intentions were good and they only did it to protect their operatives, like what's-her-name ..... mmmmm ..... uhnnnnhhhh ...... nnnrggggghhhnnn .... AHA! valerie plame wilson ....

fortunately, our democracy is in good hands under our its democratic leadership, and jay rockefeller, chairman of the senate intelligence committe (god, that's oxymoronic) will most assuredly write a another severely demanding letter, this time without the words "pretty please pretty please pretty please with sugar sprinkled all over on top and here are some little gummy bears too" included in his request for release of documents that would further clarify how much we need another investigation as well as the formation of yet another oversight committee that can do so much oversighting they don't see the nose on their fucking faces and it's time to take a recess anyway because elections are coming up and a body's gotta campaign and you can't campaign without raising money and campaigns are now so expensive you don't make a dime by kissing babies, you've got to be kissin' up to the big boys, the corporations, and if felching and gargling what you get is what it takes to pull in the big bucks, than a body's gotta do what a body's gotta do, and while you're up there won't you investigate these rectal polyps with your tongue and your left nostril ....

now, america: savor the flavor ....

i've said it before and i've said it again: that we're even having a discussion as to what constitutes torture tells more about us as a people and as a nation than i'd care to say, it tells it to the world, and they don't like what they're hearing .... that we have seemingly intelligent and supposedly educated people bandying about phrases like "extreme questioning," as though it were a television show funded by right guard, the x-treme deodorant that keeps you dry while you slobber in your torpor, drooling into your miller light (the x-treem-ist of beers), is yet another foothold cut out of the crumbling wall of our moral pretense: america, land of the free; america, home of the brave; america: opening the golden gate to the tired, the hungry, the poor, yearning to be free .....

unless they're iraqi refugees, in which case only 79 out of four million displaced made it in last year ....

it's not much of a stretch to add "religion" to the mix of pretentious poseurs who must have spent a fulfilling childhood setting fire to kittens and disemboweling cats, popping puppies into burlap sacks and dropping them into shallow water, and impaling tadpoles--on blunt sticks ..... the prince of peace wouldn't stand a snowflake's chance in hell if he were to show up right now: pinhead minions of homeland security would bag his swarthy--middle america, i hate to disillusion you, but jesus was a dark kinda person, not a blue-eyed blond--berobed ass and ship him right off to gitmo where he'd immediately be deprived of his fingernails, smeared with menstrual blood, and challenged to walk on a water board .... you know it and i know it: christians are more antithetical to carbon based life forms than typhus, but now they willingly plunge into the sin of pride, shouting their barbarism from any television pulpit that offers them a chance to "debate" .......

i wonder: were they born assholes? or did they set being an asshole as a goal? an entire aspiring presidential coterie composed of those whose sole qualification for office is being an asshole; republican "presidential debates" remind me of the old mr. olympia competitions, when body builders would come out and hit poses, oiled and gleaming and ripped, in the lights .... but now it's a proctological pageant, where the conscienceless, the amoral, the vapid and the venal parade before the cameras and, like some cloacal closeup from assholesforever.com, display their empty psyches to the public by turning around, shoving their fists up their butts and, spreading their sphincters wide for the world to see, shout:

i'm a bigger asshole than my opponent! i'm a bigger asshole than my opponent! i'm the biggest asshole of them all!

it's appalling that carrying a bible substitutes for discussing foreign policy, or health care, or schooling, or global warming, or a rapidly decaying infrastucture in an ever more fragile world .... if all you need to demand respect is a belief, then i'm throwing my hat in the ring:

i believe these fuckwits are all assholes ....

now .....

vote for me ......

next: dr. pete goes to new hampsters

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.


Steve shaw says:

I believe that the govt did indeed experiment with several compounds....( remember the flick "Jacobs Ladder?" ) good one by the way. One of em, dont know why I am so anal if that is the term...5 methoxyNNdethyatrytamine aka 'stp' another one of the good Owsley items....never tried it. Several Orange Sunshine seems to have 'deep fried to a crackly crunch" my ole skull....every dude is different. I personally found florida cubies to be my fave. Nothing like nature to come up with its best compounds for enlightenment..............colors by nature....................anything worth doing is worth overdoing, was always my motto....right nick? steve the modest and chaste.....

Submitted by Steve shaw on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:17
Steven says:

The Brothers Karamazov, chapter 5, "The Grand Inquisitor". Reread this, and you will see that your "asshole" Republicans are really looking out for your own best interests, and saving you from the painful indecisions freedom forces on you. Get with the program.

Submitted by Steven on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 11:18

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