9/11, 24/7

i'd been collecting headlines and snippets from the "media," painstakingly selected just to show you how lame and co-opted and irrelvant they are, and how they misguide, mislead, obfuscate, dissemble, fuck you in the ass while giving a handjob to the republican party, before sucking karl rove's kum and george bush's anemic splooge off a teacup saucer while blowing scumbubbles out their noseholes, but .....

it's about as painstaking as playing pin the tail on the democrat so's he can find his fucking backbone .... i'd close my eyes, stab wildly at the computer monitor and, lo and behold! wherever my finger'd land, there'd be yet another timeless piece of instigative journalism and advanced stenography .....

but .....

somehow i didn't save it and i can't remember any of them and, as ahura mazda is my witness, there'll never be a shortage of whoreshit in american media, so i'm not going to preoccupy myself too much with it for now ....

instead, i can only offer these headlines from the new york times on september 8, 2006: "hilton says DUI arrest was "nothing"" and "police find lindsay lohan's handbag ...."

gosh, i sure was wondering what paris hilton had to say about being a drunken superflous cunt, and i'll bet you were losing some fucking sleep, thinking, oh golly gosh darn it all, poor lindsay has lost her handbag, whatever shall she do? oh, lindzeeeeeee ..... if it matched your shoes and you don't have it, whatever will you do? gosh, won't that have a negative impact on your ensemble?

i'm so glad that the new york times is sensitive to our concerns; no, i don't give a fuck about cia black sites in eastern europe, or george bush masturbating wildy to the sounds of kidnapped prisoners shrieking in horrible agony as electric currents are sent through their genitals; gee, i don't really care that the afghanistan's opium crop is up--again--and that it's a bumper crop--again--and that once more the taliban is cashing in on the narco lifestyles of so many around the world, including right here in the land of the free united states--again-or the ongoing sectarian violence in eeeee-rock--again-although it's not a civil war, thank god-again--and once again i'm tired of saying the same shit over and over and over, because it never gets any traction, and it never gets any action .... and ....

ah cain't git no satisfaction ......

speaking of "again," it's that time of the year again .... yes, it's nahn 'lebben tahm .....

it's remarkable how the ineptitude, the lassitude, the desuetude; the indifference, the callous disregard, the incompetence; the ignorance, the churlish thuggery, the cowardice; the moral bankruptcy, the corruption, the venality; the skulduggery, the scumbaggery, the assfuckery; the scapegoating, the blame shifting, the cronyism; the nepotism, the sollipsism, the narcissism; the cynicism, the contempt, the disdain; the ____________, the ______________, the __________________, along with the (you fill in the blanks, okay?) ___________, _____________, and the ________________, have become an industry ......

the industry of fear .....

but that's america for you, okay? the entrepreneurial spirit that kicks in so that, when life hands you lemons, the republicans'll privatize the lemon groves, deregulate the lemonade factories, and give the three cigar chomping assfucks who own it all huge tax breaks ......

we will now go through--not a period of introspection, because america has never done that--but a period of hyperbole, hysteria, and histrionics that, i fear, will miss the point entirely ....

right now you're saying to yourself, well, dr. pete, what the fuck is the point? why don't you get to the fucking point?

well, that's a good question (i performed this this song with great success on my recent triumphant whirlwind tour of new york; it is available as a single through my order page, or you can buy it with the black kangaroo album package, which is where it first appeared) .......

i don't think there's any one point; life is generally more complex than the "yer with us or yer aginst us" or any of the either/or, black-and-white conundrums republicans like to come up with .... republicans have to do that .... their cognitive deficits are such that they cannot process complexities or subtleties nor, for that matter, can generations of americans who have been spoonfed garbage, nonsense, fear, insecurity, and empty desire by a host of advertising agencies via the one-eyed monster, television ......

life distilled to tits and flashcuts of glandular youth ..... or predatory rugheads .....

but i digress ..... a number of things occur to me .... black has become white in a country that extols freedom by abridging it; that spreads peace through war; that wins friends by killing them; that celebrates diversity by ..... by ...... you've got to help me with this one; won't you write and tell me how we celebrate diversity?

somewhere along the line we've lost sight of what happened on september 11, 2001: close to three thousand people died .... three thousand souls were snuffed out, three thousand people were whisked off the face of this earth ..... five years ago i stood in my kitchen; i didn't have television then, nor do i now, so i was spared the endless looping of now-iconic images .... but i felt the wrench in the fabric of the universe .... i felt the deaths of three thousand people, and i wept into the dishwater ..... i cried for them and i cried for us, because i knew the world would never be the same, i knew it would change, and it wouldn't be for the better ....

i haven't been disappointed .....

in the interim we've been offered duct tape and kindergarten color codes, wire taps and torture, the constitution turned into confetti, the slaughter of innocents, the institutionalization of secrecy and deceit, the theft of elections, the criminalization of entire classes of people, the escalation of class warfare, along with the savage spectacle of oil companies ravaging consumers like a geek in the chicken coop, all to the threnody of bargain basement day sales on fear, fear, fear: grandmothers pose a threat, fingernail clippers are dangerous, and water is a weapon ...... politics, like sausage, hardly bears close scrutiny, yet we have seen good men pilloried by the base and conscienceless, truth used as laboratory animal bedding, history used as a tampon to stem the flow of sanity, then discarded .....

i don't even know what that metaphor means, but it sounds pretty good, and i think you've got the idea by now .....

even as we see headlines like Iraq's Alleged Al-Qaeda Ties Were Disputed Before War ..... Links Were Cited to Justify U.S. Invasion, Report Says, we have the disney channel, long-time purveyor of distortions, mutations, and wannabe entertainment airing a fuckumentary on the network that they own, a fuckumentary that fabricates scenarios, that would blame 9/11 on bill clinton and his administration (haven't i said that hillary personally piloted fourteen of those four planes into buildings? didn't you know that saddam hussein was her co-pilot on thirty seven of them?) .... television for americans is like the bible to christians: hey, it was on tv so it's true ..... it's the lord's word and the good book, and every word is the gospel ......

all we need is network footage of george bush stuffing toilet paper rolls and armadillos into his pants to create the manly bulge, so appealing to christian voters ......

now we approach another election, and the three thousand are dragged out and paraded before us once more ..... it'll be 9/11, 24/7, for days to come .... no, let me correct that: for six weeks, until the '06 elections ..... somewhere along the line i'm sure we'll be asked to give the dead a minute of silence, and what a blessed relief that'll be .... they deserve that minute .... but they deserve way more than a minute .... they deserve the silencing of george bush, his cronies, his cohorts, and an administration that failed them, that violates their memories, and that's betrayed our trust .......

dr. pete goes to the e.r.

PETER KAUKONEN, San Francisco Bay Area guitarist, has played, toured, and recorded with Black Kangaroo, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and Johnny Winter.

1 Comment

"Wildman" Dave says:

I am sick of the news channels rerunning the 9-11 thing over and over and for God sake, they've been doing daily for the last 5 years. We should keep these people and these events in our thoughts but at the same time, it's this sort of daily repetitiveness that erases other matters that need our attention as well, Katrina vicims still homeless, poverty worldwide, AIDS, cancer and a half a million other issues that get pushed to Page 8 in the papers....it's insane! Even FDR didn't carry on about Pearl Harbor this long!

Submitted by "Wildman" Dave on Thu, 07/17/2014 - 12:33

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