June 2008

"Say, Man ......"

Jun 03, 2008 - Comments: 0

barack obama is now the demoratic nominee .... yawn .... and bo diddley has died .....

i'm more affected by bo diddley's death than this denouement of the democratic diddle and piddle that's had the "media" going crazy over obama's pastors--but not the republicans' jew-hating-armageddon-loving-psychotic-delusional-fat-greasy-toupeed-suckers-of-satan's-cock-pastors; the headlines questioning obama's "patriotism" (no--gasp!--flag pin on his lapel!); opining that low bowling scores might make him an elitist, and .....

Pardon Me

Jun 16, 2008 - Comments: 0

it was really hot last week, with the temperature hitting and holding in the high 90s .... i'm not a happy hot weather person; maybe i got it out of my system, growing up in pakistan, where it rained two days a year, where water rationing had teeth, and i always marvelled at the refugee camps that stretched for endless miles across a flat and featureless plain, not a tree in sight forever and beyond, the people living in skin-covered half domes that must have been all of five feet high, and the temperature hitting 114 and up ......

Pardon Me, Part Two

Jun 17, 2008 - Comments: 0

dear diary:

how could i have forgotten how george bush "we'll pursue and prosecute anyone who might have violated a law [in the outing of valerie plame]" commuted scooter the pooter libby's sentence ....

i guess i repressed it so i wouldn't puke up any more esophageal blood .....

Summer Daze

Jun 26, 2008 - Comments: 0

he heat wave broke a week ago, but it still smells like the foyer to the inferno, thanks to the more than eight hundred fires that started in a lightning storm .... a lightning storm? in california? i think of lightning as an east coast or midwest phenomenon, along with humidity and lightning bugs .... i didn't register the lightning storm, but something hit a tree down the street from me, setting it on fire, and i don't think it was osama yo mama ..... he's kicking back, with his dialysis machine, in the hyderabad hilton, driving room service crazy .....

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