
Toxic Shock

May 04, 2008 - Comments: 1

good morning .....

how's things in your neighborhood?

it's an overcast day here, one that would be perfect for long medicational--i mean "meditational"--bike rides up and over mountains, bagging views of forever and beyond--but i'm .... well ..... i'm in the doldrums, suffering from chronic outrage overload ......

i have an editorial series in the works, as well as my standard vituperations ready to roll, but .... i'm just feeling a little overhwelmed by the barrage of bullshit that's disseminated by a corrupt and diseased media ....

Slaving Away

Apr 24, 2008 - Comments: 0

i went to a seder last weekend; it's been too long since i've participated, and many thoughts and feelings arose which i will mercifully spare you ..... but it reminded me of any number of things, not the least of which is slavery .... seders observe the jews' escape from pharaoh's slavery .... it's a reminder that slavery--in spite of abraham lincoln--still exists; it should remind us that slavery is ubiquitous, and it reminded me that one of the real abominations of slavery is when the slaves become accustomed to it, and accept it ....

Sleeping Through Life

Apr 22, 2008 - Comments: 0

i'll apologize in advance for a disjointed scattered dispirited chickenfeed commentary; i just got overwhelmed--not by the demands of young children or recording or bicycling long distances; i got overwhelmed by the non-stop barrage of bullshit that you'd think would have the hoi poloi running to the barricades, brandishing pitchforks and shit shovels ..... but no .... it's just business as usual in this great land of ours ...... i mean, these are just some of the turd sprinkles on the shit frosting of america's poo-poo cake of life:

The Weak That Was

Apr 12, 2008 - Comments: 2

it's a beautiful day here in the neighborhood, still cool enough to turn my breath into little puffs of steam but you can tell by the sun's low golden light that it'll be warm soon enough .... not hot, mind you, but that kind of invigorating exhiliarating day that spring'll bring you, and not just in the san francisco bay area .... jeez, i don't want to be writing this shit .... i should be out, riding my bicycle, or writing a song or working in the yard but no .....

Another Day In A Life

Apr 05, 2008 - Comments: 0

reading the "news" is always character building .... way way back i used to read marvel comics, about imaginary fictional characters with special powers but all-too-human failings .... there was spiderman, teenage angst and glandularity, fighting criminals and blue balls; the fantastic four with the thing; bruce banner who became the hulk, the republican governor prototype; dr. strange--i liked him a lot, and you can figure out why .... now the new york times just runs fictional pieces about imagined characters .... like this one from a couple days ago:

Tet a Tet

Apr 01, 2008 - Comments: 2

i heard john mcstain giving a speech the other day, something about government not being "sensitive to the needs or demands of its citizens ...." mcstain's the least likely candidate for sensitivity training i can imagine, other than boy george, and i don't mean the singer ..... it occurred to me that he actually had a point: our government is not sensitive to the needs or demands of the seventy percent of its citizens who would like to see an end to our illegal and immoral unilateral invasion of a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us whatsoever, but that wasn't his point ....

Mourning In America

Mar 25, 2008 - Comments: 0

i had the radio on this easter morning while i was fixing breakfast for the kids; i told them the easter rabbi was coming, and i was cooking up some bacon for him, when i actually heard what was on the radio .... did you hear me shrieking? did you have to duck when i flung it out the window? (N)ationally(P)retentious(R)egurgitation had two pieces juxtaposed that had me slack-jawed with disbelief, until i realized that ... ha ha .... i was in america, where good taste and common sense are scattered as sparsely as teeth in a platypus .....

Tibet? Or Not Tibet?

Mar 19, 2008 - Comments: 1

this is already a horrific week, it's only just begun, and i've got random scattered thoughts because i'm a random scattered kinda guy .... here are just a few .....

what can you say about the bear stearns bail-out? .... profit is privatized, failure is socialized ..... but being a republican means never having to say you're sorry ....


Mar 14, 2008 - Comments: 2

have we had fun with elliot spitzer? boy, did that bring out the beast in people, or what? republicans and capitalist scumfucks feasted on schadenfreude, while others trotted out their little agendae, looking for a predetermined learning outcome in a moral fable .... for some it was the koan: why do the rich and powerful do stupid and dangerous things? for others it was to rehash prostitution as a perpetuation of female victimization, and on and on and on ....

The Shame Game

Mar 09, 2008 - Comments: 0

this is a shameful time in american history, and there's no shortage of shameful times ..... christ, we're only three months into the new year and we're peaking on shameful .... the media has reduced--and obama and clinton are complicit--the democratic presidential candidate's selection process to a cat fight, far beneath the dignity of a high school's student office campaign, although i'm not surprised that seventeen-year-old high school students are more dignified than our political candidates .....


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