March 2006

Truth and Consequences

Mar 03, 2006 - Comments: 0

it's axiomatic that people need to organize their experiences, observations, and feelings into a structure and framework that provides them with a sense of meaning as they survey the chaos that really constitutes the world ....

oh .... you don't think it's chaotic? perhaps if you were to visit iraq, or afghanistan, you might reconsider?

Just Say No

Mar 04, 2006 - Comments: 1

Sacramento, CA ...... Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced today that California would be reducing the quantity of drugs given to death row inmates in their lethal injection.

"Ve're a Christian nation," the governor said; "and drugs are bad for you. Look vat happened to me; see dese teeth?" He added: "Ve don't vant dem to get hurt, and ve don't vant dem to get hooked."

Late 'n' Breakin' Wind

Mar 06, 2006 - Comments: 0

Washington ..... The White House announced today that President Bush would visit Louisiana to inspect areas damaged by Hurricane Katrina. "We feel that it's safe for him to go there," a White House spokesperson said, on condition of anonymity; "The water's gone down, the skies are clear, and all the darkies are gone."

Bush said that he was sorry to have missed this year's Mardi Gras. "I done a lotta things that ..... well .... I know I been there .... I think it was a lotta fun ..... if I could only remember."

Late 'n Breakin'

Mar 07, 2006 - Comments: 1

March 07,2006 | WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Tuesday rejected suggestions Iraq is engulfed in a civil war and claimed media reports have exaggerated the violence since an attack on a a revered Shiite mosque.

"I do not believe they are in a civil war today," Rumsfeld told reporters at the Pentagon. "What they're doing is having their own Mardi Gras-style celebration. They just do it a little different than those darkies down in New Orleans. The ones that are still there, that is."

The Eponymous Anonymous

Mar 08, 2006 - Comments: 0

Washington, D.C. Reports from Iraq of numerous bodies, found tied, gagged, strangled; shot, mutilated, and dumped in sewers, where they'll pollute an already hard-pressed water supply; left in trucks by the roadside, left on street corners, left hanging from lampposts that no longer get electricity; dumped off bridges, dumped off overpasses, and stacked like cordwood outside the Green Zone, are grossly exaggerated by a liberal media prone to hysteria and sensationalism, a White House spokesperson said, on condition of anonymity.

No Dollar Left Behind

Mar 11, 2006 - Comments: 2

i think you'll like this ..... here's the way the washington post paraphrases "on conditions of anonymity ...." ready? let's go: "A White House official, speaking not for attribution in order to discuss political strategy ......" you can fill in the rest: opened his/her mouth while a torrent of effluvium poured forth; amazed the fourth estate with the copious amount of shit that issued from his/her gob; smiled blandly while his/her pie hole became a superfund site ......

Polly's Got The Flu

Mar 16, 2006 - Comments: 5

this is from the washington post; i couldn't even begin to make up shit like this:

"Speaking at a flu summit meeting in Wyoming Friday, Mike Leavitt, the president's health and human services secretary, said that Americans can't expect the federal government to take care of them if a pandemic strikes. His advice: Stockpile food in your bedroom.

12 Steps To Better Abs .... tinence

Mar 23, 2006 - Comments: 1

another newspaper snippet: "Millions of dollars in taxpayer funds have flowed to groups that support President Bush's agenda on abortion and other social issues.

Under the auspices of its religion-based initiatives and other federal programs, the administration has funneled at least $157 million in grants to organizations run by political and ideological allies, according to federal grant documents and interviews."

Reform This .......

Mar 27, 2006 - Comments: 0

i wrote this column before i read paul krugman today (march 27, 2006) ..... while i prefer not to let facts interfere with my preconceptions, i must defer to mr. krugman's impeccable politics and knowledge, this time regarding illegal immigration and its impact on keeping wages low, in that employers would rather pay low wages with no benefits, and illegals will tolerate that ..... still, here's my column .... it's not just hystrionics .... it's putting passion back into the body politic .......

The Devil Finds Work For Idle Thoughts

Mar 31, 2006 - Comments: 2

geeeziz, pete ..... are you okay? i think you scared people with the last editorial .... no one wrote in, like they were all cowering under their beds, hanging with the dust bunnies, waiting until the department of homeland security lowered the terr-ah alert ...... i mean, dr. pete .... are you feeling alright? are you still taking your meds? you called our president .... you called him "evil" and i think you used the word "asshole" to describe a great man ......

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